Part 2: Chapter 33

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George pov

I sat, frozen.

Frozen at the words that were lain out before me.

I was frozen.

And in the blink of an eye, I was furious.

I was up on my feet, smacking the sandy-haired man in front of me harshly, my face contorted into a look of hate, my heart closed off, unavailable for entry.

Which made it impossible for the person I loved most to calm me as I tackled Astro, attempting to punch him against Clay's hold on my forearm, his pleas and coos in my ear flowing out the other without registration.

I was maddened with anger, blinded with fury.

I couldnt see through the red that clouded my vision, the tears blurring one thing into the other as my mind ran freely with my focus being on causing as much physical damage as I could have.

Perhaps, I thought offhandedly, if I could see, Astro would look as scared as I was when I learned I had a brother no more.

Maybe, at my unleashing of pain, he would be as saddened that his boyfriend's brother wanted to kill him as I was that he had killed Ken.

My hand found a collarbone, slamming my first into his skin, earning a grin that made a gin flash across my face, contorting into a scowl moments after.

I eventually tired myself out, fighting against the restraints of the blonde behind me, being pulled into his embrace, shielded from the world as he wrapped his arms around me, setting me down in between his legs as he cooed and hushed my loud sobs.

"He said..." my voice was breathless, overcome with airy cries. "He sai... he said he k-killed hi-"

My mind shorted out.

It stopped working.

I was weak.

I was angry, I had to fight.

But I was tired.

I looked around the room with half-lidded eyes, feeling my pupils dilate with hate as I met Astro's guilty gaze.

I didnt care how drained I was, I had to fight.

I seethed, becoming repossessed once more by the spirit of revenge I'd managed to keep away for so, so long.

I lunged once more towards the fearful man across from me, but the act wore me out more than I had been previously.

I was barely able to hold myself up on my arms from where I fell on the ground at Astro's feet.

He looked worried, he looked so, so sad.

He wasnt breathing steadily, drowning in a guilt of his own making.

Of his own making.

I wanted to strangle him for it.

I wanted to kill him for it.

But suddenly, I was in Dream's embrace again and the ghost of Ken was at my side, his hand on my shoulder once more.

~time skip bc Weston Koury (if yk what I know, you'll know what I'm talking abt)

I awoke in the bed, as though today hadnt happened.

The only thing that told me that it did was the empty, cold, and desolate space to my right.

But I was warm.

There was something on top of me that kept me calm and collected, despite the still coursing anger that lay purring in my chest underneath the blanket that kept the anxiety far from my mind.

Whatever was on top of me was heavy, and I couldnt move my arms from under it. My chest wouldn't move when I attempted to wiggle from its grasp.

So instead, I succumbed.

Allowed the peace that was so rare on this earth to flow over me as I curled into a ball, smiling softly despite the unimpressed emotion that consumed me at the actions of Clay, the only one who would place a weighted blanket over me as a response to my breakdown earlier.

I giggle softly at the thought, and it feels nice to be able to smile. It feels relaxing to be able to laugh, however quietly, after the news Astro had spilt into my knowledge.


Did I still hate him?


Did I know his story?


Would that change my viewpoint of him when the endgame consisted absolutely of Ken's death?

I didnt know, and it scared me to hear the day what was both of our everything was sent to hell from his point of view.

What if it wasnt his fault in the way I thought?

I needed to hear him out, but first, I needed my boyfriend.

"Clay?" I call meekly, my voice barely resounding around the room.

But somehow, the blonde heard me and was standing in the doorway shortly after I spoke, a small smile dancing on his pink lips as he looked at me cuddled into the stress-releasing fabric that he'd placed atop me.

"Dont look at me like that, this is your fault." I tease, my smile growing at the sound of his light laughter.

"You definitely deserve it after you punched and elbowed me in the stomach twice today," he said back.

I let loose a gasp, fighting to pull my hands to my mouth to hide the shit-eating grin that I could tell was obviously unleashed across my cheeks, my mirth shining through my concern at his pain.

"Well are you okay?" I ask, my giggles causing gaps in my speech.

"Yeah, but you can pack a punch when you're pissed." he says.


I missed this, even though it wasnt long ago that our days were filled with banter of this type, if still seemed like lifetimes ago.

And I felt like I would miss this a thousand times over for a reason inexplicable in the very near future.

But for now, I would enjoy it.

I would enjoy the way my boyfriend peered into my eyes with his forest green pupils.

I wouldn't miss how his light-colored eyelashes would flutter closer together as his eyelids closed, his face leaning towards mine.

And I would never forget the way his lips moved so graciously, so gentle in a dance across my own.

I could do without, however, the blue-haired idiot that stood in my doorway, catching my eye as the kiss broke.

He knocked lightly, and receiving no response from me, entered tentatively, his steps still containing the same arrogant swagger, his feet continuing to pad obnoxiously against the floor as his bare heels met the wooden floorboards repeatedly.

He drew closer, taking a seat at my bed with his face carefully neutral.

I attempted to school my face into the same expression, even if I showed none at all.

I listened closely as he began to speak.

Hope you enjoyed.

I luv u all.

1100 words

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