Part 1: Chapter 21

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Dream pov

I awoke beside George, spooning him with my face in his near-black locks, the strands tickling my nose and brushing against my lips as I smiled.

I pulled him closer, pressing soft, careful kisses to his scalp, enjoying his warmth and body in my embrace.

His breaths were small, shallow, and calm.

It was a sight that was reserved only for the people he allowed to be close to him.

He'd already told me that his brother had died, and apparently he was haunted as well, but he didnt seem to be bothered by the ghost that followed him outside of my vision.

His ghost was nothing like mine, and I would sigh with relief for the rest of my time on earth at the fact.

George didnt deserve anything worse than what fate had already dealt him.

He'd already drawn too many cards to add to his stack that didnt equip him with any weapons to battle the murderous world with.

He was defenseless, and before I'd spoken to him, I could tell that rendered him full of hate.

He hated humans.

He hated people, I could see the dislike burning in his eyes as he gazed at the smiles of parents from his bedroom window.

I could see the longing as he watched children play with their siblings.

I could look at him as he peered at shopkeepers and tell that he was distrustful of them.

It was times like this that I wondered why he had chosen to trust me.

Why did he open up to me so quickly?

I didnt care what had brought him to be accepting of me so soon after speaking with me for the first time, but that it brought me to the place I was now, I was perfectly fine with the force that was the cause.

I felt George stir in my arms, turning around to face me as his eyes fluttered open, pupils downcast before flitting up to meet my own.

He smiled slowly, his eyes closing once more as he melted impossibly more into me, speaking fondly.

"Good morning, Dream." he says, his voice slightly raspy and cracking with sleep. It was quiet, small and I fell in love with him more than I knew was possible in a moment.

A large smile overtook my own features as I pressed a final kiss onto the top of his head.

"Good morning, darling." I say, relishing in the blush that slides across the brunette's face as he bites his lip against a grin.

"Can we stay like this today?" he asks me, opening his eyes to look at me hopefully.

"We'll see." I say, giggling slightly, "We'll see what is to come. But I want to live in this moment for as long as it lasts." I say, resting my head on top of his, closing my eyes against the giggles that managed to slip through our flushed bodies, erupting the now familiar butterflies in my stomach.

Damn, if I knew this is what I was to be met with, I would have attempted to escape my mother a lot earlier.

Immediately, I want to say, I gave up playing Minecraft for hours to write, so you're welcome.

However, because I'm grouchy that I'm not playing MC, you guys dont get Ken content, and I'm not sure if you will until the beginning of Part 2.

Anyway, all that aside, I'm sorry for the later-than-usual update. I actually have absolutely no excuse.

Also, thank you guys for 2k reads on High School Me. As I said on my account, I literally sat down on the ground and cried. You guys kept that book and this one going. It would not have been finished if I wasnt encouraged to write by you guys' comments. All that it has is owed to the readers and, more so, commenters. Thank you.

Once again, we shout out the original commenters:

the first to comment and vote on the book was SadlyHopelesRomantic and we're so thankful for them.

The second is strwbrriekitty, who is now my angst writing student somehow... yeah, i actually dont know when that happened, but it did and I'm trying to write more fluff and stuff so I can act like a good role model or whatever I am.

I love you all.

3 more fluff chapters before Part 2

728 words

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