Part 1: Chapter 17

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George pov bc I'm nice enough to give you Ken content

The more time went on, the more I wanted to express my feelings to Clay.

It had been a few hours since the sun set and I was still leaning into the blonde's embrace, the whimsical smile never leaving my lips.

Maybe...maybe it wasnt all too bad to be in love with Dream.

I could accept it.

It wasnt the end of the world, and if it meant that I could continue to find his touch to be as blissful as it was in this moment.

"Tell me something about you that I dont know." I whisper into the hazy air that was warmed by the air conditioner I was fortunate enough to be able to pay for.

"Uh, I didnt really have a life before i was 14." he says, his voice hesitantly breaking through the silence.

"Why?" I ask, not thinking in depth of the impact my words could have had.

"Because... I was kept captive... up until I was 10 I... I'm so sorry, but I cant really talk about it. I-"

Sitting up, I place my finger on his lips, our faces close together making the air around us swirl with a shared intimacy.

"Shhh, you dont have to tell me about it. I understand that a person's past can be really touchy. It makes them the person they are in the present, and sometimes it includes things that we'd rather not remember or share." I say, feeling him pull my torso closer to his chest with the arm he kept wrapped around my waist.

As we fell silent once more, I'm able to take in and consider our position at the moment. I was practically sitting sideways on his lap, my legs hanging over the side of his thighs as my upper body twisted to press against his front, one arm wrapped around his neck and a finger sliding off of his lips as I gazed at them.

My eyes flitted up to meet his, and at our locked eye contact set of a multitude of explosions in my stomach.

"George..." his voice came out in a question, but I shushed him hurriedly, wanting to live in the moment.

We were so close...

I could move forward just a little and replace a kiss on his lips.

My mind went blank as we both moved closer, our eyes fluttering shut...

I knew that both our hearts were beating quickly...

His head dipped down...

I leaned my head upwards...

Our lips met in the middle, both of us melting into the touch as we moved against each other, kissing each other fully.

I smiled, not pulling away but feeling the action reciprocated.

I had fallen so hard, so quickly.

It had only been a month since we met, but I had always said anyway: Dream was different. We had a special connection that we both felt with surety when I saved him from giving his life away.

It didnt matter that there were still secrets that hung above our relationship or that our conversation was strung through with lies that concealed our regrets, right now, I felt love.

I knew a while ago that I liked Dream, but as I spent more time with him and allowed myself to fully open up to him, something more than a 'like' bloomed in the field of infatuation that I had been tending to.

Any thought of the blonde in front of me sent me walking through a pathway of petals sprouted from a love I could only home wasnt unrequited.

We pulled away, smiles still present on our faces.

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