Part 2: Chapter 31

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Dream pov

Once again, I awoke to be met with my favorite part of the day: holding George.

I was so infatuated with the boy, seeing him in such a vulnerable state, coddled in my arms, would always make my heart beat a little faster, make my blood a little warmer in my cheeks.

On impulse, I dipped my head into the dark locks of hair, placing a gentle kiss so soft that it would not disturb the lightest of slumbers, attempting to ensure that he would not be shaken from a sleep he so obviously needed.

However, in the early dusk, with the sun weakly shining through the clouds that ran through the sky in thick clusters, hurriedly rushing on the wind, I was more vulnerable than the brunette in front of me, leaving me exposed to the phychotic attacks of the voice.

He doesn't trust you.

Its cooes were the worse, sickly sweet and manipulative as it entered my ear scratchily.

I could feel warmth on my shoulders as they hunched more protectively around George.

Warmth; almost like an embrace, but a ferocity to the act that felt like there was an iron grip scalding its way into my flesh.

I shivered, the rest of my body suddenly running cold despite the boy pressed agains my front and the comforter that draped over our two bodies.

In the silence, my mind was all to able to take over, all to able to turn over the only words that were being spoken to me.

He doesn't tell you anything.

You're just his lapdog.

You're there for him to hurt, just as I hurt you.

He keeps you trapped in his home; when was the last time you left the house?

The voice was right... I hadn't left the house since I'd met George, despite my commitment to getting better.

Did he really want to keep me trapped?

If I asked him to be able to exit, would he grant me his consent?

But did I need his permission to come and go from his appartment?

I was fucking older than him, yet, as my eyes looked town toward the bed that sprea outwards at my feet, I knew that if I left alone, I'd be even more privy to the attacks on my already insatiable mentality.

I would kill myself if I left.

The world was too cruel for me not to.

As if my darkened thoughts were a wake up call, my boyfriend began to finally move in my grasp, causing me to loosen what had subconsciously become a death grip around his small frame.

"G'morning." he says, stretching his limbs as he slurs on his words, his eyes still closed, hiding the dark hues I loved so much.

The sun was shining directly onto his face, and so as he finally squinted his eyes open against its golden glow, his eyes shone a bright honey color I would never have imagined they were capable of.

"You're really pretty, Georgie..." I coo, my words not holding a hint of the malice the voice possessed.

He blushed, light shades of pink spreading quickly over his pale face that was bathed in glorious golden light, proving my point further.

He grinned, hiding his face against the fluster I'd already witnessed.

"Shut up..." he says, his tone indicating he would love nothing more than for me to continue.

"You're absolutely adorable, George..." I purr, moving the palm of my hand against his soft cheek.

"I love you." Words I'd never heard but from his mouth.

"I love you, too." The answer that came without missing a beat, making my heart sputter and lips grin, causing my arms to move back around him as I pulled him into a quickly reciprocated embrace.

~time skip bc James Potter is dead~

~also George pov, I think ~

We were sat at the counter, the stool protruding further down to meet the floor than my feet could follow, leaving them dangling in their fluffy socks around the air.

I was busy, despite my image of boredom, everything I was doing took too much work- required too much of the energy I didn't have time to give.

My mind rushed around, not allowing itself to remain on one thought for too long under the fear that I might start overthinking.


Overly stubborn as I chased after a single cheerio in my bowl for want of a reason to stall my meal.

Overturning my feet as they danced through the air, kicking around my stool in an uncoordinated waltz, catching the shins of Clay at times in their pursuit.

Why did I fear overthinking?

Because if I succumbed to its grasp, I would find myself lost in its hold of thoughts, unable to escape until I felt the tears on my cheeks and experience the rapid breaths flowing through my lungs.

Until I could hear the muffled and frantic voice of Clay, trying to pull me out of my reverie.

Least of all, I could not trust my own mind with the choice of contemplation, still fearful of the thought of my brother.


My brother.

The two things didn't seem compatible as I was always kept in the dark about everything, even about the people I could trust.

I wondered if my brother would think it a good idea for me to trust him.

But no, I could not ponder his verdict.

I could not linger on the stupidity of the grin on his face.

I could not dwell on my mind's image of his life-containing form.

Astro walked into the kitchen, blue plaid pajama pants hanging low over his bare feet as he ran a hand through unruly hair, sloppy footsteps sounding out into the air while they brought him to stand in the kitchen.

I wasn't thinking anymore, and I was grateful for that.

I had something new to focus on, and I would be thankful for that for as long as I remembered it had happened.

Until his gaze rested on mine, his blue eyes sparkling with question, and I nearly groaned as I felt the wheels in my head turn once more, making what little food in my stomach churn uncontrollably.


That's what it was to have someone that was practically a stranger in your house.

It was different from it being a visitor of your brother that you didn't know, for the main and obvious reason that my brother was gone, and what few friends and significant others he may have had before death were strangers to me.

Yet, there one of them was, standing in front of me, his face glowing with excitement.

"So, when you lived with him, did Ken-"

I stoop up and walked away, my mind already jumbled enough without the incessant picking, my thoughts already repeatedly washing over the memory of my brother too much for any more reminders of his existence to protrude.

I walked away, hearing Dream follow heavily behind me.

I did it,!

Another chapter that took too long bc I'm fucking sleep deprived at this point, but now worrie, I have studip autocorrect as a friend.

I read over this chapter a lot of times, but lmk if there are any typos of shit

Iluv you guys!

I shoildd probably sleep, but o won't bc I'm fucking awesome!

Much luv 🫶

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