Part 1: Chapter 12

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Dream pov (flashback till he's 14)

14 years...

14 years of no clothes.

14 years of no love.

10 years of no sunlight.

5 years of sleep deprivation.

2 years of no speaking.

1 year of almost no food.

I was thin, far too thin.

I had to escape, or I would die.

The woman had been bringing less food to me, making me believe that there was barely any to spare.

She would have had to be weak if that was the case.

However, I had to be weaker, as I had no food in the past few days, along with no water.

I was so thirsty.

I stumbled out of the makeshift bed that I'd been in for the past few days, walking the best I could over to the door that had remained locked for most of my time here.

I tried to open the door as a last resort, the last bit of my hope hanging on the door hinges, my will to live being weighted by the handles compliance with movement.

Because that's what I needed to do; escape and move on.

I hadnt been able to in all my years being alive, until i was at the point where I was willing to let it all end.

My hand attempted turning the handle, having it remain still as ever.

I collapse onto the ground, the small amount of golden light bleeding into the room not lifting me from my hopelessness now.

Funny, the pools of sunlight is what I had longed to see years ago, but now I wished it was pools of blood I was staring at as I lay here dying, escaping.

Gazing around the same surroundings that had been my only source of interest for nearly half a decade, I wished it was my last time peering around the room.

But it wasn't, and the thought made tears prick in my eyes for the first time in years.

I sobbed soundly, screaming, hoping that the lady would come and kill me.

'Please' I think as I yell, my eyes cast towards the ceiling that was peeling away, dusting me with flakes of white. 'Let me die. Some way or another, please kill me. I don't want to lie here with the pain. I don't want to go to sleep tonight with only myself as company. I am satisfied with the amount of injustice I've endured thus far.

'Please, allow me to die, I am content with what I have accomplished, even if it was minuscule.

"Nothing can save me now.'

My voice was dying down as I came to the realization that no one cared if they heard it or not.

They didnt even care enough to punish me.

They didnt feel anything for me, not even hate.

Yet I spent my life despising them.

Despite my negativity towards the several captors that held me hostage from the supposed beauty outside, it hurt deeply that even my resent for them was reciprocated.

The beatings I had taken with grit teeth meant nothing.

The food was an absentminded idea that was acted without any thought or purpose.

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