Part 1: Chapter 11

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Dream pov (flashback till he's 10)

I was allowed to come upstairs today.

I was allowed to live up there now after years of what I'd eventually made out to be the basement.

The lady that had always seemed different than the others was coming downstairs to get me.

I raised my bruised and battered body into a standing position, allowing my face to fall emotionless, standing up straight and motionless.

Against the pain, I was always expected to stand up straight and show nothing.

My face was expected to remain vacant through their mental abuse.

My libs were to remain stiff against their beatings.

As the steps neared the door, I squinted my eyes, bracing them for the light that would enter them unexpectedly.

The door swings open behind me and I attempt to force my mind blank, but the ever increasing throbbing of my ribs and buckling of my fractured leg was starting to take a toll on my thoughts.

I was scared that she was going to beat me, and this time I wasn't going to be able to endure the inflictions of mess.

My chance at living in daylight was going to be taken away.

Mothers woman hit my shins with her favorite wooden paddle.

My eyes shut slowly, and I try not to squeeze them shut to show that I'm in pain.

She punches my back, kicks my calf's, slaps my face, and puts weights on my toes.

After around 30 minutes, she nods at me, turning to go through the door and waving for me to follow.

I suppress a grin, happy that I'd finally done it, but she stops me before I could exit the door.

"You really think I was going to allow you to be completely free upstairs?" She says, looking disappointed in my reasoning.

"You're a little shit, and I cant trust you. Youre a liar." I wasn't a liar, I hadnt spoken in years.

"Youre worthless, and I couldnt care less if you told someone what I did to you. I couldnt care less, but that doesn't mean I'll willingly go to jail for your sake. You mean nothing." her vile laugh rings through the empty space, ricocheting off the walls and reverberating in my eardrums.

My face doesn't move, I keep my eyes lifeless, just like she wants. Her nagging will be over soon and I'll be free.

"You really are stupid. You think keeping this mask up is going to satisfy me enough to allow you to walk with the actual people?" she tuts at me, shaking her head and looking at me with false sympathy.

But what did she mean?

I was going to go live with her, right?

OUtside the basement, right?

I knew it wouldn't stop the beatings, but at least I'd have sunlight to be able to see.

I knew it wouldn't stop the mental torture, but at least I'd have a chance at getting my blanket back,

I knew for a fact that she would never give me a hug, and that no one else would, but at least I'd have the moon to talk to afterwards and the sun to pull me into its embrace of warmth.


I couldnt take another year in here; a decade was enough!

But as she continued her taunting, a large smirk grew on her thin face, telling me that her promise would be kept.

At a price, and I began shaking as I imagined what I would have to pay.

There would be penance, and my expression became fearful as I thought about what I'd have to give.

Soon enough, she stopped talking, beginning to circle me, the silence enveloping us and making me feel like I was being hunted as I looked up at her menacing blue eyes.

Finally, she stopped, peering into my frightful face as though contemplating what to do with me, feigning confusion at what her plan would be.

She already knew exactly what she wanted, she knew.

But she wanted to tease me, wanted to keep me from what I craved so much for just a while longer.

Finally, she sighs, her expression falling as she slaps me across the face for her own entertainment.

I stumble to the side, not expecting the blow, too immersed in my thoughts of the world outside the room to notice her hand flying towards me.

"Even after all these years, you're still pathetic." the lady says, her blonde hair swaying behind her as she turns towards me with fake rage.

I felt like crying.

She was acting out these sequences of events that was breaking me.

Everything was so unexpected, so different from the routine I held myself to for the past 10 years.

In a swift movement, she snaps something around my neck, making my hands fly towards the object, failing to rip it off.

She pulls out a remote then, and I can only gaze at her in fear.

Pressing a single button and making me fall to the only ground I'd ever touched, screaming out louder than I'd ever done before, my next nightmare began before I'd even seen the day.

Well... psychotic lady there...

This will get a whole hell of a lot lighter as the story progresses, I promise you.

Also, 900 reads on High School Me and 100 reads on this before it was even a week old? What the hell?- you guys are amazing!

I hope you enjoyed, and make sure to take care of yourselves.

913 words

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