Part 2: Chapter 52

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George pov

I awoke in a hospital bed, immediately sitting up and gazing around, making my head pound in the process.

I out a head to my now crusty brown locks as though it would help to heal my migraine.

I continued to look around, my eyes wide and mind panicking.

I let out a sigh of relief as my gaze fell on the blonde beside me, sitting in the hospital bed to my right.

He must be alright.

He must be okay now, right?

We must be okay.

I smile softly, giggling slightly, surprisingly waking Clay from a sleep I didnt expect to break so easily.

He looks back at me with a smile. "What?" he giggles, matching my energy.

I fling myself out of bed, ripping the IV in my wrist to the sheets as I sprint wobbly into Dream's hold, still laughing.

"We're okay!" I say, happy.


Such a small word.

Something toddlers used to describe their satisfaction at recieving the ice cream they'd been begging for.

Something used to describe parents that didnt argue with one another.

Something used to describe children and teenagers that didnt seem to have anything to be upset about.

None of those suited me.

But I was happy nonetheless.

I wasnt satisfied with my life, not yet, and I didnt have parents.

I had every reason in the book to be upset and yet I wasnt because I was... happy.

Able to grin at my boyfriend.

Able to love the boy in front of me.




I had a choice.

I wasnt confined to the expectations I'd shackled onto myself and then searched for someone to break.

I wasnt stuck in thoughts of the past.

I was in Clay's arms, where I belonged.

I move away from him, giddy with disbelief, the only thing out of my control the smile that was permanent on my face.

"What's the smile for?" Dream asks, his green eyes alight like I've never seen them before, brighter than I ever thought could be possible.

"Maybe because you're alive!" I say, my smile faltering at the mention of something so dark, so unforgiving and irreversible, but the grin is back in moments.

Clay smiles back, taking my hand in his and gazing into my eyes before throwing his head back against his pillows and letting loose a dramatic groan.

"When can we get out of this place? I hate it here!"

I laugh, standing up again, more stable this time, walking towards the door.

"I dont know. I'll ask the doctor."

I walk outside the door of our room, closing it quietly behind me and starting down the corridor.

There weren't many people and it seemed that the hospital was relatively empty.

Ya It was weird.

It wasn't until I'd taken a couple of turns around the bends that I found a doctor.

He looked really sweet with long silver hair pulled into a tight bun and a bushy beard or the same shade. His eyes were a soft brown, cheerful and carefully understanding. He eased whatever nerves I had before, giving off a calming aura.

"Hi," I say, waving and slightly giggling. "I'm George Davidson from. From room 404? I was just wondering when my boyfriend and I would be discharged."

He smiled.

"Hello," he greets, an accent in his voice. "Mr. Davidson, you and Mr. Bloque will be discharged tomorrow. If we head back toy your room then I will tell you of your injuries."

I nod, the doctor and I walking back through the halls to my room, the building still silent, but comfortable in the wake of the doctor.

Entering the room, we found Dream on his phone, playing Temple Run.

I grin at him.

It had become a lasting challenge between the two of us to be the better one at Temple Run.

Most other games didn't matter, but Temple Run did.

And Clay was cheating.

I run over to his bed, snatching his phone away and swiftly deleting his progress.

He lets out a groan.

"Aww come on, please? I was bored and you took so long." he says.

"No," I giggle out. "You aren't aloud to play without me here. Same for me. It's the rules."

The doctor had stood patiently at the door, watching the argument go down, gazing at our antics fondly.

"Alright," he calls out, getting our attention.

"Now, you guys can go back home tomorrow." Clay silently cheered. "You both had mild concisions and a few scrapes, but luckily now broken limbs."

The doctor left soon after that, smiling still, leaving my boyfriend and I glaring at each other over his attempted cheating at Temple Run.

Clay spoke first, breaking the jokingly tense silence. "Can I have cuddles I'm-"

"No." I cut him off, laying on my bed, knowing full well I'd be back in clays arms in a few minutes.


So sorry it took so long for this one to get out. I know you guys need entertainment each and every day of else you won't grow. I'm sorry I got nothing to you.

More content coming hopefully today.

I hope you enjoy and don't still hate me for the last chapter.

848 worss

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