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1 peter 4:7

The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers


I wipe my hand over my face and take my earphones out of my ears, my hands are now soaked with my own sweat as i lean over myself and puff out some breaths,

These early morning runs are the only thing i look forward to nowadays, they stop me from drinking myself into a coma like i want to, at least the pain i get from running takes my mind off everything that happened a week ago at the graveyard,

But now i have to look over my shoulders to make sure I'm not being followed by the two crazy ladies who started a fight at my mothers resting place.

"Another early morning, Mr Davis?" I lifted my head at the voice of my house keeper Benjamin, Since i spend most of my time over in Philly i hired him to take care of this place for me while im out of town.

My father asks me why i dont just sell it off and set up my life down in Philadelphia with him and the rest of the family, the answer is quite obvious. Too many faces down there.

Here in this cozy little house i have all that i need and all that i need is silence and privacy,

"I need the run, I suppose it's never a bad thing to get the exercise right?" He throws me a towel for me to wipe of the sweat dripping from my face.

"It is a bad thing when it means you drip all over the hard wood floors that took me hours to clean, varnish and buff." He mumbles with his arms crossed, benjamin never fails to make me smile even though i never show it.

He's as much of a germaphobe as Auntie Stephanie is, he takes the job serious all the way from his fancy black button down shirt to the matching dressy bottoms he wears just to clean.

"My bad Ben, i'll be out of your way. Did anything come for me while i was gone?" I sling the towel over my shoulder and walk from the door into the kitchen.

It's not too fancy or flashy, just a plain marble white island with a few plain high chairs around it. There are no doors to seperate the rooms, only the bedroom which is the biggest room in the whole house.

"Just a few letters, i didn't want to open them for you i left them in the kitchen for you sir." He says Walking that much further behind me to give distance, although I'm not sure if he's just trying to avoid the stench of sweat on me.

I drop my phone onto the counter, walking slowly over to the fridge to get out a cool bottle of water, it freezes to the touch on my hands, ice cold. Perfect.

I go over to the stack of letters, groaning when i see one from the government.

They have been on our case to try to get rid of the garden for years now. They said they wanted to create a new roadway through there which makes no sense,

The only reason my father made the garden over there is because it's such an isolated area. Thankfully those acres are bought fully in our name, so all they can do is beg.

I pull the letter to the side not even bothering to open it, i gulp the cold water back and feel the coldness on my throat, acting like an extinguisher to my burning body.

The next letter is one from university. I have been dreading opening this letter. There's only one truth that i have been hiding from for too long now,

Im failing.

I have been failing university for months now, falling back on all my classes not bothering to do assignments or exams because I'm so behind as it is.

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