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Partner, I contacted the psychologist and today at 20pm I will have the first online meeting, "Really! How happy I am, finally you too will be less agitated and less worried about things you don't care about", well then that's another matter, "It's the same, but now I'll at least be less worried about you, now stress that poor boy's life", so look, I'm very calm i don't stressed no one!  We were having the penultimate lesson, the last lesson would be science and today was the day to present our projects. Izma, leave everything, tell me how are you doing with the project, today I offer myself and I'll take the vote, later I have to start the other one in physics, I also have the job and more also this psychologist so the sooner I finish the better,." Well if you're a volunteer then I'll go too, you're right so at least we'll already have the grade and we could concentrate on other subjects. But now I want to know about the psychologist", what do you want to know about him if I myself know nothing, "He's good, he'll understand you so don't worry about that, don't worry when you're at the meeting", yes okey I'll do everything as you say, today I have to finish the job right away because I can't even be late.  "Okay, then I want to know how the first meeting goes", okey I will inform you in the evening.
I started presenting my project; Climate change is a phenomenon that refers to long-term variations in weather and climate patterns on Earth.  It is widely accepted by the scientific community that climate change is mainly caused by human activity, especially greenhouse gas emissions from the burning of fossils such as coal, oil and natural gas…
In the end the presentation went well both mine and Izma's, we both got 28 out of 30 so a good result.  Now I'm returning from work and it's 19pm in an hour I had the psychologist, I came home, I immediately had dinner and freshened up  to prepare again for the meeting.
Hy, I said, "Asslam or alikum" he said, I was shocked but not much because I thought it was a normal word and by now almost everyone knows it. He had green eyes, brown hair and a very fair complexion so I had a reason to be surprised as well.  Wa alaikum salam, I said all red, how could I say Hy when I'm a Muslim and not him, how could I, we're already off to a good start!  "What's your name", Ezal, Ezal Mohammad, "How old are you?", 21, "Do you attend university?", yes yes! I goes to Long Beach University here in California, "So you live in America, very nice place", yes thank you.... and there was silence for like two minutes, he was writing on the paper the information I had given him as I was looking at the void.  He was still jotting down the answers to my questions when mom came into my room to see how things were going, and just then, he looked up to find my mom uuff what a shame, when he gave a slight smile to keep the situation under control.  After mom left us and before he could say anything to me I said, sorry sorry Mr psychologist but, mom needs to do her checks, "Don't worry my name is Aahil anyway", sorry so much, thanks for telling me the name.  "Talk a little about your life, so we can start our conversation", sure!,So, as I said before, I'm in university and I'm in the last year of my study career, I also have a job in a bank... there are 3 of us in the family, me, my mom, dad and that's it.  I have a best friend, I stress her, about life all day, it was her father who gave me your number, and I think this is all my life.  "Good and tell me a little about your habits, emotions", I.. well I don't have time for hobbies, but if I have time I read something or draw is one of the things that relaxes me, after the Nimaz (pray).  Emotions, I don't know..., I'm a girl who is almost always agitated even for silly reasons, I panic if I see too many people around me that I have no relationship with, and I'm very sensitive in the sense that I cry over the little things that hurt me...I know I can ignore them but I can't..and so many times  I break down in tears and I get up by myself..., "Hmm hmm, now I see that when you talks to me you're holding something, right?", huh? yes I'm using it to stay relaxed, after he told me, I immediately looked and in fact for almost an hour I have been talking with the pen in my hand and I kept moving it it was a way to relax, "Good way to balance the anxiety and stress", I have observed some things, I would say that we see each other first a whole week and then see if decreasing the time depends on how you heals", Ok Mr. Aahil, whichever you prefer, " No no, call me Aahil, You don't need to be so formal, I too can call you Ezal or shall I say Miss Ezal?", no no!  Call me with my name... whatever is convenient for you.  "Okey fine then see you tomorrow always at the same time, see you tomorrow", that's fine, thanks for being available see you tomorrow!  And I turned off the computer to put it in my backpack so i have it ready for tomorrow when his name Aahil came to mind.  It was a Muslim name, but wasn't he American?  Even his telling me Asslam or alikum was strange., his appearance was not that of a foreigner and how come....noo what a doubt... maybe he is not or maybe he is... how stupid I am, he asked for everything while I didn't even ask her about the nationality!  Tomorrow will be the first thing I do.

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