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It had been exactly 2 months that Aahil and I knew each other, everything was fine, in all this time my relationship with mom had improved, there are always difficult moments but Aahil has always helped me to overcome them.  I didn't think I could ever bond so much in such a short time with someone, i spent the whole day happy just waiting for the evening so that I could connect and we could talk, I didn't really notice the time with him, he too was very happy for looking forward to my called and just this thing made me so happy.  I still had some time before the meeting about 15 minutes so I decided to have an orange juice, by now summer was approaching and strangely this year even here in California it had already started to get hot at the end of March, usually it's snowing it's raining and it's always windy but this year I think we'll have a nice summer with the sun.  I didn't think it would take so long to make it, in fact I didn't have enough time to drink it, but I took it to my room, I had to drink it with the nikba, a bit uncomfortable but it was the only choice. 
Asslam o alikum, "Wa alaikum salam, how is everything?", everything ok  tell me about you?, "Good too, today I needed to ask you something", tell me, let's see if I can satisfy you, "Can I have your Instagram? If you want it, it is not mandatory, I ask that because giving your number becomes a bit too much", hmm what do you need it for?, that is, I would also give it to you but first I have to ask m--, I immediately took mine  words back, I wasn't committing a crime and I was killing someone so I didn't need to ask mom for anything, no no I don't have to ask anyone but I don't use it so... bah if you want me to pass it, it's not a problem, but ..."Don't worry, no one else will have it, I was asking so if we need to inform ourselves of something we can do it through that so we don't have any problems, is that fine?", of course it's fine.  "Have you read the book I recommended?" Of course I started it, it's beautiful, but really you can have all these friends, do you really think that such a large group of friends works?  How nice it would be to have or be connected with so many people, "I read that book too, I'm glad you thought about the question, that was the purpose of the book and I see you already understood it, you're really good,well done! I have many people who adore me, love me and care about me", lucky you, I only express myself with Izma, I also have like three or four other friends but with them I only have the relationship until university, how do you feel about being loved by so many people?  "You forgot me in your list, I like you too", ehmm sorry!  He wasn't joking he was serious and sure of what he was saying.  We looked at each other for like two minutes, I don't know what he thought but I had his words in my head 'I like you too', "Has anyone ever told you that you have beautiful eyes?" he said staring at me, hmm Aahil, that's all I managed to say to make his gaze leave my eyes, "No one can say my name as perfectly as you say it Aahil", ehh sir are you okay?  Let's resume our discussion and forget these things I said to change the topic.  You were telling me about your group of friends..."Friends.. and if we talk a little more about you?", Aahil what's wrong, you haven't slept enough today I guess, "Forgive me I'm acting like this because last night I didn't dream about you so now I can't not say what I couldn't say last night", ehhhh ehhh do you dream of me?  Aahil enough stop joking okey and come back to your senses, tell me about that book, "And who's joking?", he said in a low voice, did you say something?, "No no, nothing, I just wanted to joke to make you laugh a little. We were talking about the book and the group of friends," sure of that exactly.  "You did well that you started reading the book, and then it's not important to have many friends if you only have few but the real ones, then yes, you're lucky", oh yes, surely tell me a little about your experience in friendship, by now we had this confidence to ask us personal questions, "I also have few close friends, but I'm loved by many people, I can be the idol of a lot of people, indeed I am and this thing makes me happy", ideal for girls?, "Hmmm that's...I don't know I've never noticed it, I haven't counted the girls among the population", no no..I just asked.. but what do you mean by population that knows you?.  "Ooooo I've come up with an idea if it's okay with you, and if you want, if you feel like it you can participate in my live and see how many beautiful people will love you", live?  Wait what did I miss?, "I never told you, I'm also a youtuber and--", ​​I immediately interrupted him, really youtuber, but... I don't believe it, and you say this to me today I'm surprised..."Yes , you know I thought, I told you, since I'm a youtuber, I vlog when I can and then I'm also often live on tik tok, have you never seen me?", I don't know.. maybe yes maybe no that is I never turn on these applications but having seen you on tik tok or how strange..."But I thought you knew it or in any case you would have searched my name on insta", I hadn't done anything, wait I'm still surprised, you have a you tube channel and you're famous and I've been doing sessions with you for two months, I don't know!  I still don't believe it, I'm even more surprised.  "So you want to join live with me, you will definitely be appreciated by so many people", well I don't know... if I passed you the instagram without mom's permission I don't think I can go live without first asking, " Don't worry , ask calmly, and I accept any type of answer, anyway we can see each other online so this is enough for me", for you?..., today you're strange, however I'll try to ask and I'll let you know, "Perfect then I'll wait patiently", don't have too many hopes..."Hope is the last to die bir tanem", bir-what?, "Bir tanem", he said to a very low voice, it's fine if you don't want to say it then patience!  Now I'd say that an hour and a half has already gone by, indeed as always we've gone beyond the timetable, you obviously also have other patients so see you tomorrow, "You will always be my favourite", he said smiling, and I took it as a joke or at least as a friendship nothing more but as soon as he finished saying his sentence he saw how my eyes expressions  had changed so he immediately changed his sentence "And you are one of my best patients", HAHAHA now it's fine.  And with that we turned off the call.

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