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I was sitting on the bed dressed as a bride.  All of it could have been avoided, fate might not lead me to make this cruel decision, it might not bring me back to the man who hurt me and in the end I might have a more beautiful end, but none of what I thought had happened.  I just wanted for Rayan not to enter in the room, I wanted him to stay out all night, I didn't have the courage to face him but it wasn't like that!  As soon as i heard the door open and after Rayan closed it, i slipped deeper inside me trying to be more protected.  He sat down in front of me, he didn't speak for a few seconds, then handed me a box with a ring inside and then he tried to touch me.  I got out of bed, and i was going to the bathroom to change but he stopped me by taking my hand.  I don't want you to touch me, I don't want you to approach me and I won't sleep on that bed with you, I said to him walking away, "And who wants you!", well then if you don't want me then stay away from me as much as possible,"Masheal, I remind you that this is my room and here in this room and in this house I command", command where you feel like it, but in front of me do not speak in this tone of voice, I said reaching the bathroom door.  He grabbed me from behind and pushed me against the wall, I repeat to you, don't touch me and don't think I'm going to sleep here, let me go, "Who told you that tonight you'll sleep?", he said taking steps in front and trying to take my veil.  You, stay away from me, don't come near, you can't do anything without my permission I yelled at him as I watched him throw down the coat he was wearing, "This is for what you did to me two days ago now canvas see with me !", no, no!  Don't do anything, stay away from me, but he wasn't listening to me very much in fact he was in front of me, he started to take the veil off my head, "You think you're so strong, after everything you've done with me!", you can't do anything, I continued to tell him, "And who's stopping me? Where is your strength, your courage, where are they?"  He was in front of me and before he did anything I slapped him and pushed him, with all my senses and with my desire. "You did it again, how dare you!"  he said throwing the vase placed next to me and slamming his hand against the wall.  He walked around the room furiously and after a while he went out.  I sat on the sofa crying, how could I stop a man, my husband from touching me, it wasn't his fault or mine, we can't blame us, how did I slap him, he didn't deserve it, how did I do all this.I took off all my jewelry and threw it on the floor, i threw out every kind of clothes i was wearing and i cried miserably.  Why did I act like this towards him, why I hurt him, it wasn't what I wanted to do but he was too rebellious and somehow I had to save myself, the guilt didn't leave my heart and with this pain I got up to change and i fell on the couch still crying and i tried to sleep.

This is the book that im writing, so please read this book if you all are interested. I will  post more chapters In Sha Allah.

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