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Today I was going to Izma's house, I haven't visited her mom for a long time.  For us, Monday is a day off from both work and university, except in special cases.  You must be thinking but she must have already asked mum, which is precisely why she is sure to go.  No!  Instead i hadn't asked yet, but usually she has no problems, she knows Izma's family well so she trusts them then I don't understand she thinks we live in a dangerous country.. but is everything  so protected.  Let's go to the real challenge, which is to tell mom that today I would spend the afternoon at Izma's, and I would be back at dinner time.  Hey mom, all right, I started a bit like this to lighten the situation, " What do you need?", she said very directly, without any facial expression, ehmm today I was going to spend the afternoon at Izma's house, so we can both working on the project and spending time together..."Call her at your house, she won't have any problems", she certainly won't have any problems, but if you say that she can comfortably come here then her mother also says that I can comfortably go at their home.  "Ezal..", come on mom please, I never ask you anything and then her house is safe, there's no one, there will be, Hamza her little brother her mom and dad will be at work, I'll go by car so there won't be any problems for the transport, "Okay I'll leave you, but I'm going too I haven't seen her mum for a long time", I'll gladly take you but to think that you're only going to keep an eye on me disappoints me deeply but bahh we have to accept everything in the life.  "Don't make a fuss and go get ready, however I do this to keep you protected from this world", mom but I'm not the only girl who needs protection, why you must be so possessive, "You won't understand now, I'll ask you when you will have children", no mom you are wrong, I will never do this with my children, I will not let them suffer so, obviously they too will have prohibitions but they will never be locked up in the house like me, "These are things that everyone says then when become parents you understand everything", no mom I assure you, they will have their own freedoms my children I said reaching the room.  In a way maybe mom is right, I have a blood relationship with her so I automatically take many things from her but I hope and pray so much to Allah to be a little more open and free with my children.
We had been at Izma's house for almost an hour, the mothers were in the living room talking, me and Izma we finished the project we discussed it so much, and now we needed break so we decided to order something to eat. "Partner while the food arrives, tell me how was the meeting last night?", all good, "And more...", more, ahh yes yes!  I have to tell you too much about this, now I'll explain everything again for you to understand better.  So I come in and say hy, he says Asslam or alikum, I was surprised a lot, but come on everyone knows this word so I took it for granted then he says his name Aahil, I didn't pay much attention and we continued to speak.  I was so embarrassed when he told me "Don't call me Mr. psychologist"--, "No Partner you really called him that, I swear if you are stupid", said Izma in despair, so let's finish the sentence,
"Tell me what haughty stupidity you said after that."  Okey then after he told me his name we said goodbye and set the day and time for the next meeting, but as soon as the meeting ended it occurred to me, but why is his name Aahil, partner I swear, he has an american look, i mean i don't think he is a foreigner, he was tall what i could tell even if he was sitting, he was also muscular and if i'm not mistaken he's about 23 no more so he was also young.  But now I'll amaze you, he had green eyes brown curly hair and a very clear complexion so where does he look like someone with the name Aahil, " Ehh? Aahil, but if he has all those characteristics then.. what psychological that happened to you!", but what do I know you recommended it to me, today I will ask, I'll be  his psychologist... but then, when I was in the meeting mom came to check and he just at that moment pulled up the look and made a slight smile but for me very embarrassing and nothing this, let's see what we'll talk about today. "But did you feel at ease? In the sense, can you say what you want to him without any problem?", Yes, everything was perfect and then it's not that we had a great conversation, just the introduction.., "Well, come on, I'm glad you feel more open and conformable".  We decided to see a film in the meantime we ate and the time with her had flown after such a long time I felt good and all day I was waiting for the moment to meet.  Now let's go mom, I also have to do work at home, I said greeting Izma's mom, I don't know when and how but the two of us had started calling one and the other mom's mom, "Okay daughter, come more often it's It was really nice to see you again", see you soon mom and good evening.  We went home in a hurry because I was getting late, I immediately settled and entered in the meet, he was already there, I was only a few minutes late.  Aahil, I said in a low voice, he was looking at some papers and when I called him he pulled up I looked at him quickly, "Asslam o alikum Ezal", Wa alaikum salam Aahil, sorry for the delay, "No don't worry! Then today you owe me you talk a little, I ask you questions in which I want specific answers and remember that what you tell me remains only between you and me and no outsider will know anything, so you can confide in me", it's fine I'll try to do my best.  "The first question, tell me a little about your relationship with your parents, first with your mum and then with your dad", then... I.. I was a little anxious to speak and say, I was about to speak when he said;  "Tell me everything honestly without hiding anything", okey then... I don't have a good relationship with mom,  we don't get along very well. She always has to scold me, she didn't like anything, everything I do is always wrong for her, at first I always ignored what she said to me, however after a while it's still not nice to hear the same things and then I collapse in tears, "Give me an example of what she said to you", eh eh I don't know for example she doesn't like how I dress, or she doesn't want me to do extra hours at university or she wants me to always come back on time but always and I can't be even 10 minutes late, this gets a bit tiring and makes me very nervous so I answer her questions,  i always try not to be rude but mom also complains because I answer "Okey and what do you carry over with dad", he said taking notes on the paper, with dad... much better than mom, I don't talk much with dad because he's always at work but if I need something I always ask him so he helps me to convince mom but this also happens in the opposite way that is if mom needs to convince me for something then she asks dad in the sense that dad is in mum's team in many things and therefore I have no choice  to accept what I am told, "But do you do all this with your will?", hmm no not at all many of the things bother me a lot, but I do them because I don't want to disobey, " What would you like to do what can't you do though?", I would like to be a little more free I would like to spend time with Izma my best friend but I want to spend this time alone with her, and not with my mother who looks at me because she doesn't want something bad happens to me, I would like not to ask mum's permission as if I were a 6 year old girl, for everything, even for the almost useless little things, I would like to go around the house freely and not with the fear that mom might ask me strange questions or at any moment she can scold me or start investigating.  "Do you think you are a prisoner?", No no!  Nooo not at all I don't think this, at least I think... if I can't go out with my will it doesn't mean that I'm a prisoner but only that my mother loves me at least this is what I think and what I understand, "Your mom wants to save you, but she's afraid you might do something bad," what?  What can I do... if your thought that too then yes.. she thinks maybe in the future I'll have a boyfriend and blah blah.. "Hmm you understand then, just this for today, I wrote down some things, don't you worry for nothing, nobody will know anything and you will be calmer and less stressed in a few weeks", okay thanks Aahil, thanks a lot, already today I feel lighter," I'm happy to help you Ezal, see you tomorrow", See you tomorrow. No no wait wait!  Aahil I want to ask you something, "Tell me", but what nationality are you?  I mean you didn't introduce yourself to me, "True.. I'm half Pakistani and hal--", what are you Muslim and Pakistani I yelled in surprise interrupting him, "Calm down!, I'm half Pakistani and Turkish from daddy, there are four people in my house, my grandmother, my little sister Abiha and my mom and me ", no Aahil really so you are..., o Allah!  I can't believe it and yoir father?, "My father was a military man, and when I was 14 he died to save the country", ohhh sorry I didn't know that, sorry, "Don't worry, and here I too have introduced myself to you",  I'm too surprised and with this amazement I say goodbye and thanks for the information, "Okay don't be surprised so much. See you tomorrow", he said smiling, see you tomorrow Aahil

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