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More than a week had passed in Ramazan, by now it had become a habit.  I had just returned from work, I was exhausted, the problem wasn't not eating all day but the problem arises at the bus stop.  It's too hot to wait for the bus, then it's always full and with the nikab it's more hot.  When I got home I ran to my room so I could take off my nikab and rest a bit.  After a while I came to talk to mom, and to explain the situation a bit.  Mom, I have to tell you about Izma...I would like to tell you something about Izma, "Tell me, is she fine, isn't she?", yes she is fine, I wanted to talk to you about Izma and Arsalan, in the sense... they love each other, no wait I explain, Izma loves Arsaln and that's for sure, Arsalan loves Izma but he hasn't told me yet but it can be seen from their behavior so I wanted.... "I just spoke about it yesterday with your aunt, I too was noticing something different and then I like Izma so I wanted to mention this thing to your aunt", really mom!  It will be great if they would get together, "Yes Ma Sha Allah they would make a nice couple", what did the aunt say about this?, "She said that Arsalan will decide and then for now the situation is in the hands of Arslan", mom, would we organize a dinner and talk about it with him?  "Ezal these things are to be done with guys of their own age, so organize something yourself and try to understand the feelings of one and the other", hmmm too!  Bah now we'll see what we can do, in any case I'll talk about it with Izma and you can talk to  aunt again.  After talking and trying to find a possible solution, I went to take a shower to freshen up a bit and then I decided to go to sleep for half an hour so as to be a little more energized to help mom prepare Iftary.
"Ezal, wake up, someone has come  and wants to see you", I heard mom, while I was still asleep, "It's a boy so wear the nikab, wake up!", mom but..who is he?  Wait!, but mom was already gone.  I got up in a hurry and the first person that came to my mind was Aahil, these days he was telling me a lot that he would come... what if he was here?  No!  It can't be otherwise mom would have recognized him... in fact!  Nahhh that's not possible so who was he?  I didn't have the slightest desire to wear the nikab but the person was waiting for me so I covered up without wanting and went to see.  "Hey Ezal, how are you?", ooo Joshn, I completely forgot about the project, I'm fine, tell me about you and have a seat.  "Don't worry, I hope I haven't disturbed you", noo no don't worry, it was me who had completely forgotten that we had set the time for the project, "You are also in the month of Ramzan so you also want to have dinner", now let's start so then I'll be able to have dinner I said smiling.  The project was based on the thermal power station, it was necessary to create a model but also with all the instructions written on a sheet.  Half of the work was already done, in fact we had already planned ln a paper how to build it, now we just had to build it.  After various attempts and various strategies we realized that it was more difficult and demanding than expected.  "I think that if we glue these parts then we wouldn't have space for the last part of the plant", in my opinion we did something wrong at the beginning,"Uff what a mess, I'd say keep going like this then let's see what comes out in the end", bahh I hope that if not perfect but at least it looks like a thermal power plant, "Ezal I hope so too", then with this hope continue to work. 
We worked for two hours straight without any break, the model was taking shape, it didn't seem perfect to me but it was acceptable, we were still working when it was time for Iftary;  Wait for me to take some water, "Go and have dinner, I'll continue here", no, no, we'll finish it together, I'll take the water and be right there.  I was leaving when I saw mom come into the room as the door was open.  "I brought you food so at least  you can take a break, then it's getting late too", said mom turning to Joshn "Ezal mom it wasn't necessary", he replied while mom was already at the door which in return  gave a slight smile and walked away.  I drank the water, since there was also a straw, and we started working again.  Tomorrow was the deadline, we had been planning for many days the time to meet and finish work but with work, university and Ramazan there was just no time.  For better or for worse, the complete model came out very nice, we thought we had made a mistake but with hard work and many attempts we managed to remedy our mistakes.  "Ooo I remembered to tell you that I see you on live", hmm hmm  i do live on tik tok for about 4 months now, "Yes, your boyfriend was there too, right?", he's not my boyfriend, but my future husband, "In fact the first time I was surprised to see you with a boy", hahaha is my future husband, nothing to worry.  When Joshn had mentioned Aahil, I remembered that it was already past the  time for the live, I had to connect, but I had completely forgotten about it.  I also had the phone on silent and it wasn't even in my room... definitely Aahil, he called me.  Nooo I'm sorry, he must have been alone in live all time and I'm sorry for not informing him.  It was very late, in fact it was already 10pm, we decided how to present the work tomorrow, we wrote the speech and packed up the model so that we could keep it safe until tomorrow morning and finally I helped Joshn take it down to the car.  I couldn't keep it because I have to take the bus in the morning so I was afraid of ruining it.  Up on the first thing I did was call Aahil, to calm down the situation, but maybe he was busy at the moment so I sent him a message, meanwhile Izma had also sent me a lot of messages about the live, I guess that, she was the one waiting for me more than Aahil.  After that, I went to have dinner, it was late but I was too hungry so I didn't want to wait for Sehry.  Meanwhile I was also waiting for a response from Aahil, but today I think he was busier than usual so I let it go and went to sleep.

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