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They were decorating, the living room, indeed Aahil had called professionals to do all this.  Today was Muzamil and Amal's birthday, they are our twin babies.  I was in the kitchen helping mom prepare today's meals, even though all the dessert had been from the agency, since it was the girls that were decorating then I could go out and see too, I was walking out of the kitchen into the living room to see where work was, just outside I found Aahil who was with them, he wanted everything to be perfect, it was a birthday party organized between the family, "Ohhh you're done in the kitchen", said Aahil noticing me, yes yes I'm done now mom is finishing the last things, now I'm going to prepare the twins, and I also take out our clothes, "Ohhhh where are the twins", he said giving the balloon in hand to the girls, they are at Abiha's, I guess that she is in her room, "Hmm, we're almost done here",

  I was in the kitchen helping mom prepare today's meals, even though all the dessert had been from the agency, since it was the girls that were decorating then I could go out and see too, I was walking out of the kitchen into the living room to s...

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okay so I go up and start preparing Muzamil and Amal, "Okay, take your time", and I left to reach Abiha's room.  I opened the door to her room, as soon as I entered I saw Muzamil running towards me, I immediately approached him so he couldn't fall, they had just started walking so they didn't have much practice, "Ezal,i help you get them dressed, because I can't be without these two kids", she said kissing Amal, hahaha okay then let's leave, the party will start soon, "But I don't even know how to dress", she said walking towards our room, Abiha, you have so many clothes, don't do like Izma does, decide on one and wear, "Well you're right but I want to be the beautiful aunt", don't worry that you are, I said entering the room and reaching the children's wardrobe to decide the clothes , "Ezal are you happy to be married? ", well of course that I am , I said giving her the clothes , "Ahh so we're done a good job", she said while I said to her, we don't let the kids take a shower because i did it this morning, "Yes yes it's fine", now let's think about your wedding, "No no I want finish your studies", we too Izma and me have both studied and we are also married, you do the nikha and you continue your studies, besides that you have already done 5 years of university plus 2 of specialization, now I would say that studying is enough, "Hmmm but not i want to get married until i find a person who will take care of me like Arsalan takes care of Izma or like Aahil takes care of you", I joined her and I sat next to her, Abiha everything comes for those who wait but you have to look, if I don't enroll at the psychologist I'll never find Aahil if Izma doesn't dare to declare herself she will never get Arsalan, there's no one you like? "Well not at the moment but when I like someone I'll tell you" laughed Abiha, so I'll wait, I said reaching the wardrobe to decide  the children's shoes and it occurred to me...
"Ezaaaal" Aahil said as I was in the bathroom trying the pregnancy test, it's been over three months since I hadn't my period but none of that was related to pregnancy, haaa Aahil, I said from the bathroom as he was very impatient, "It is done?", no Aahil, "Ezal I don't think it should take this much time!", he said knocking several times on the door, ehh don't you come and do it yourself ?, "Can you please come out of there? I'm feeling stressed", one second, one second, I said walking out of the bathroom and closing the door, here now we have to wait for two minutes, I said handing him the pregnancy test, "Okey two minutes, okey I'm setting the timer. Ready!", he said putting the timer on the phone, while I went to sit on the bed, "You couldn't notice it before", Aahil how can  I know... I said anxiously, "Agya agya! (It's here it's here!)", what?, I said getting up from the bed and reaching him, "There are two red lines", said Aahil who didn' understand, idiot!  That means we are...pregnant, "Pregnant", yes "Yes", we said together and hugging each other, "Sorry sorry", he said grabbing my belly since he made me jump, it's fine Aahil, I said while we both looked at the pregnancy test.  I ran down to tell to mom Abiha and nene, MOMMMMMM, Mommmmmm, I said run down the stairs, "Ezal Ezal be careful Ezal go down slowly" said Aahil who was trying to stop me as I ran down the stairs, "Beta what happened, are you okay", asked the mom reaching the stairs so that I could run less and hearing my voice both Abiha and nene reached the place, Mom, you are going to be a grandmother, you nene are going to be a great-grandmother and you Abiha you are becoming an aunt, I said out of breath, "OHHHHH Ezal you are really saying, I don't believe it Ezallll", Abiha said reaching up and hugging me, "Beta Ma Sha Allah, go downstairs, come here and sit down, come right away here", said mom taking me to sit on the sofa, "Beta, what a good news but you can't run like this in these conditions", said nene kissing my head, "Aahil where were you, why she was running", said mom scolding Aahil, "Mom I was behind her, we discovered it too now, she immediately ran I couldn't stop her", "Okey okey now let's think about Ezal, you're fine aren't you?" said Abiha, of course I'm fine , I have nothing, "Today I'll book an appointment with the specialist doctor right away, you Beta don't have to wear heels anymore and you don't have to climb the stairs transferred to a room down here", said mom, "Indeed mum you are absolutely right", said Aahil, no no no I'm fine indeed very fine, I can go up the stairs, I promise I will be careful but please don't make me eat disgusting food, I said referring to mom, "No excuses now Aahil takes you to the room, Abiha accompanies you too Ezal in the room, Aahil instead you go downstairs and go grocery, in the meantime I'll cook you soup", mum there's no need, I don't want to eat this, "Beta now you have to be much more careful you bring a new life inside , you can't run all over the house anymore like you used to", nene said, but nene I can't stand still and then I don't even want to, for now I was fine so at least now I can have fun, "Beta pregnancy is a period in which the new mum discovers many things, you have fun in your period of pregnancy but you have to be careful with the stairs, the steps, walking and above all you don't have to lift any weight", said mum, so I don't feel like soup but I want to eat something sweet or spicy, "Hahaha you see that these cravings are already manifesting in you... nene and I had already understood it for a couple of time, you had strange cravings to eat strange combinations of food, we are women of experience ", I hadn't really thought about the pregnancy..."Now go to your room and rest and inform your parents, I'll prepare you something healthy to eat", hmm mom but it must have taste not give me something to eat for the patients , "Okay Beta now go up carefully," said mom kissing my head, and Aahil took my hand and carried me up to the room and went downstairs and Abiha stayed with me.  "Ezal you don't know how happy I am finally I will become an aunt, I want it to be a girl so we can have fun together", you know to tell the truth I would love to have a girl too, there are so many dresses, bracelets, hairstyles and so much more for females, "Hahahha you're right, that's what I meant", now I'm calling mum to give her this news and you'll see that she'll tell me the same things mom and nene already told me, I said turning on the phone, "Hahaha sure all mums are like this ", she said leaving the room because  mom was calling her while I started a video call, "Asslam or alikum, Ezal how are you?", well, well, mom, tell me about you?  How is dad?, "We are all fine here, even you dad, now he hasn't come back from work yet but Izma came to visit me", ohhh beautiful, if dad isn't home then neither is Arsalan, call here Izma I have to tell you a breaking news, “I'm right here Partner,” Izma said coming out of the kitchen, so it's a great news so listen to me, Mom you are going to be a grandmother and you Izma are going to be an aunt, I was still finishing when Izma screamed with joy, "HAAAAAAA you are pregnant Partner, o my goodness, I will become Aunt Izzu In Sha Allah", relax Izma, "Ma Sha Allah beta what a good news, best wishes to you two", said mom trying to calm Izma, "Now you have to be more careful, okey now you are becoming a mother, you must be less crazy and less active", ufff na mom why you all tell me the same thing, "Because Partner you must be less agitated, you are too active, you must be more calm, don't you can run up and down the house", aha aha look you shut up I'll ask you on your turn, "In Sha Allah let's hope her turn comes too, she will come here to take your place", said mom, so Arsalan won't change house?, "Why does he have to go to another house if he has a mother here, Izma is getting married and will come here, she has grown up here in front of my eyes, we will have a lot of fun together", said mom while Izma approached her head on mum's shoulder, "Indeed we'll have some good days here", said Izma, happy you my friend, happy us, I said laughing, "When Arsalan and your dad come back I'll tell them this news", okay mum, tomorrow I also have a visit to the doctor so later I'll give you more news, "Okay, rest now, don't spend so much time on the phone, and don't rush too much Ezal, you have to take care of yourself and the baby you carry inside", okay mom, don't worry, then I inform you about the new news, "Okey say my greetings to Aahil, and keep updating me", okay mom bye, I said turning off the call.  Everyone was so happy, I had already been here in Turkey for three months, now I was even used to everything I even started working here in the bank, but now I think I'll stop or at least go on maternity leave, Aahil had left me permission to do everything, and a few days after we were here in Turkey I had done the interview in many banks and I was accepted by many banks too but I chose the one closest to us, Aahil now he was doing vlogs often not every day but he tried to do one every week is the same thing for live, we had started a new life so we had to leave many things, but I was satisfied, that I had started a new life a new period of life and thanks to Aahil I was and managed to realize all my dreams all my wishes.
"Heyyy Ezal Ezal where did you get lost" Abiha said making me come to my senses, ohh yes sorry I was lost for a few seconds, "What are the kids going to wear as shoes?", yes yes this now I think everything will be ready too, after the kids we go get dressed too so we won't be late, "Hmm alright you go get dressed, I'll play with the kids", alright now I'll take them down with you so I call Aahil too to change, "Alright well even if they can walk by themselves hahahaha", hahahah I walk behind them, so if they fall at least we are behind, "Hmm it's ok", she said opening the door, so Muzamil and Amal could go out of the room.
We had cut the cake, everything was beautiful, even if it was a birthday organized between the family everything had gone well, I even called mom and Izma, who was already married, I wasn't able to go to her wedding due to my pregnancy but she too she was already married for more than 8 or 9 months, even though she still didn't give us any good news, everyone was very happy indeed very happy, mom and Izma adored Muzamil and Amal, since they were at a distance they didn't stop pampering the twins, now we were in the garden, the sun was starting to set, the children were playing in front of us, me and Aahil were watching them, while we were waiting for the tea that Abiha was preparing.  Meeting you was one of the best times in my life.  You showed me something different, something I never felt before.  You were my best friend, You made me fall in love without even trying.  You made me the happiest I have ever been...., I said turning to Aahil, "What you achieved and managed to achieve here now in life was because you deserved it, I didn't do anything special", he replied while Amal approached me saying mom, it wasn't very clear as a word but we understood that she meant that, Aahil immediately took her in her arms and started kissing her and in the meantime Muzamil also joins us, he seemed jealous that his sister was in dady atms so I immediately took him in my arms, "You are my life", said Aahil kissing Amal and he held my hand to see the sun that was fully rising, "Tum meri wo dua ho jo Allah ne bina mange kabool ki hai ", he said hugging me, or tum mery tahajud me manghi hui Dua ho jo Allah ne Itne acche tarike se puri ki, I said looking at him and we smiled and I laid my head on his shoulder to conclude this wonderful day which however brought new beginning of life.

, I said turning to Aahil, "What you achieved and managed to achieve here now in life was because you deserved it, I didn't do anything special", he replied while Amal approached me saying mom, it wasn't very clear as a word but we understood that...

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---------------------------------------‐------------------------And here ends the story of AHIL AND EZAL❤️

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And here ends the story of AHIL AND EZAL❤️

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