𝗱𝗮𝗺𝗶 | serendipity

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Reader Is: Neutral Age (Non-DC AU)
Categories: Fluff
Summary: Yubin presents herself as a kind stranger to the reader, who will stop at nothing to find the woman whom she was so touched by.

Serendipity (n.)
The occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.


The definition of the word had always been a favorite of yours, a mantra of sorts to repeat to yourself in difficult times: a hope that maybe, that sort of luck would be yours.

But it hadn't passed through your mind for some time. In fact, it seemed that the cold wind and rain you were walking through was numbing your brain of any thoughts at all. Your only focus, as silly as it seemed in the bustling city that you normally thrived in, was on survival.

Usually, you changed before and after your modeling shoots, but you were currently running too short on time to do that. Since you'd received your dress earlier from a stylist who wasn't on the set, you were able to wear it there and back. You just hoped it wouldn't get damaged in the weather that you were dragging it through.

You didn't even know why you had accepted such a small gig anyway – one outfit, one shoot, one beauty product, that was all. But when you realized that you had that exact time slot of your day free, you thought that perhaps it might be a serendipitous opportunity.

At the moment, however, you were cursing yourself for that line of thinking.

You wrapped your free arm around your chest, a shaking hand gripping your umbrella a little tighter. A dismal glance through its clear shield told you that the raincloud overhead wouldn't be dissipating anytime soon.

Your shoes were completely soaked through – though you'd had the sense to bring comfortable sneakers instead of just wearing heels, at least – and wind blew stray droplets onto your bare arms, where the safety of the umbrella was supposed to protect them. And that wasn't to mention your bare legs, which were thoroughly covered in mud splatters. Damn it.

The sidewalks weren't terribly crowded, but you would have made yourself small enough naturally anyway with the way you had all but curled up into a ball. If you could have done so and rolled yourself down the pathway, you might have, if only for dramatic purposes.

But instead, you found yourself running – or, at least, running as best you could while trying to preserve the remainder of your body heat. Perhaps that was why you got stuck waiting for the crosswalk just as another gust of wind blew suddenly heavier rain under your umbrella.

"Goodness, why are you wearing that?"

You almost felt like looking over with a deadly glare at whoever would ask such a stupid question, but the voice was too charming, too kind to do so. Besides, its owner was already shrugging off her jacket to reveal a blazer underneath, which she buttoned before slinging the former over your shoulders.

"Beauty doesn't make you immune to catching a cold, though if it did..."

The woman stepped away, twinkling brown eyes and a smirk admiring her handywork. "You'd be the healthiest person alive."

And with that, she stepped off the sidewalk, disappearing into a throng of people that you could no longer get through. When you had become unstuck from your state of shock, you tried, but she was gone.

But God, you could never forget her image, nor anything about her: her voice, her mannerisms, her incredible act of kindness. Surely the garment she had given freely away was not cheap, as you could feel the warmth of it washing over you without even putting your arms through the sleeves.

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