Issue 10: Not So Secret Identity

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Vee was dead silent...but she opened her mouth and began screaming while pointing at her sister.

Luz sped over and quickly covered her sister's mouth. "SHHHH!!!"

Vee's eyes were still wide as she screamed into Luz's hand for about 30 seconds until she stopped, taking Luz's hand off her mouth. "Y-YOU'RE THE-"

"I know! I know!" Luz whispered. "L-look! I'll explain everything when we get home! Just not here! Please!"

Vee looked like she had a million questions before looking up at the sky and then back at her. "You were on the side of a building!!!"

Luz nodded, placing her hands on her sister's shoulders. "Vee. Breathe." She said as she began inhaling and exhaling.

Vee followed her sister's example, inhaling air and then exhaling slowly. And after a while, she calmed down.

"Are you okay...? Do you feel calmer now?" Luz asked.

Vee nodded slowly. "M-moderately...let's get home...Mama's probably worried by now..."

Luz nodded as well before looking at her sister softly. "I promise, once we're alone, I'll explain everything."

Once they walked back home, they were rather surprised to see Camila about to get into her car, a panicked look on her face.

"Mama?" Luz asked as she walked. "Where are you going?"

Camila's eyes widened and she turned around to see her daughters. She rushed over and hugged them tightly. "O-oh, thank goodness!!! You're safe!!!"

Vee hugged back. "M-Mama, were you really that worried?"

"After I saw that...thing on the news flying around the same parade, yes!!!" Camila cried as she began looking over her daughters. "¿Te lastimaste? ¿Algún moretón? ¿Lesiones? Mamá está aquí."

Luz's heart clenched and she just hugged her mother. "We're okay...thankfully that spider hero swooped in and kind of saved our bacon."

Vee was silent for a moment, still processing the fact that her own sister was the mysterious spider-themed superhero that had been fighting crime ever since their father's passing.

And it was clear she didn't tell Camila.

Camila held both of them close. "I'm not sure if I can let you two go again..."

Vee then giggled suddenly. "Would keeping us from homework go into that category...?"

Camila blinked before a small smile formed across her face. "No."

"Awww, man." Luz laughed as they all walked inside.

Camila then sighed in relief once they were inside, shutting the door behind them. "But...thank goodness for that Spider-Girl person."

Luz's eye twitched a bit, but thankfully no one but Vee noticed.

"Whatever her name is and while she's basically a vigilante...I'm just glad my girls are safe." Camila whispered, hugging them again.

Luz and Vee hugged back, but Vee just looked at her sister, now desperately wanting answers.

"Okay. We're alone...EXPLAIN." Vee said, now in their bedroom. "You're the Spider-Woman-"

She then paused. "Spider-Light, uhhh, Spider-Witch...whatever you're calling yourself, you're the one doing all that!?!"

Luz nodded slowly. "Yeah...I am."

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