Issue 18: What Makes A Hero

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In the distance of a forest illuminated by the sunset...a bright blue light filled the area.

A portal.

And what came out of it? Not a person or even an animal, but a strange splotch of black ooze that crawled around almost as if it were a bug.

The portal closed behind it and the ooze was left to fend for itself...searching for something...

But what?

"And then he just called me second rate and flew off!!!" Luz cried. "GAH! He was just!!! I tried to help him!"

"To be fair, you needed the help against that thing." Vee said, looking over videos taken of her sister's fight with the monster. "What I'm more concerned about is where the monster came fro-"

"'Clearly your best was not enough'! I've been saving the day for weeks and this guy just flies in and tells me I'm not enough!?" Luz groaned. "I don't even care if he gets more popular than me! This isn't about popularity! It's about saving lives! And he can't even respect that I'm trying to-"

"LUZ." Vee said. "Breathe."

Luz blinked before she closed her eyes and inhaled, then exhaled. "Sorry."

"The guy's a jerk, sure, but that shouldn't matter. What should matter is that he did save people and hopefully will continue to do that." Vee said. "Besides! This could mean you could have a break from saving the day..."

Luz took a seat. "I...I guess you're not wrong. It will be kinda nice if he takes out bank robbers too. And I did need help with the monster." She sighed. "Where did that thing come from anyway? My Spider-Sense wasn't even working."

Vee turned. "Spider-Sense?"

"That's what I'm calling my nifty little sixth sense! Y'know, warns me whenever something dangerous is gonna happen!" Luz said. "But with the monster and everything it was didn't ring. But when I suddenly got hit in the stomach with air, it did ring!"

Vee hummed. "Maybe it's just not working...? You were kinda stressed. Your ice power wasn't working either according to you."

Luz sighed. "Yeah, I don't even remember how I froze Hunter's sword thing...something tells me I can do a whole lot more than just spider-things."

"Mystery after mystery...on the bright side, the communication devices are working!" Vee smiled.

Luz high fived her sister. "Like a charm! How'd you make them anyway?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out." Vee said with a grin. "For right now, just enjoy the possibility of an actual...break."

Another week passed, and it was the end of the month. Willow hadn't gotten much better, but Gus was usually by her side and could at least smile with the others.

Amity was still giving Luz more reasons to fall for her. The two could definitely consider each other friends now and hopefully...more one day.

But there was no news on Hunter. Luz tried calling Caleb Wittebane one day, but he never answered. In fact, he answered only to hang up.

What also wasn't looking good was Maestro. Another giant monster attacked, and Spider-Witch tried to stop it, only to fail and watch Maestro once again get victory.

And what did he say once he once again saw Spider-Witch trying to help?

Second rate.

The following day, Luz saw something even more unsatisfying.

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