Issue 39: Team-Up

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Luz's head was ringing before her eyes slowly opened and she looked around before she gasped as everything came flooding back and she started struggling in the black web she was tied to.

"Seems the princess has woken from her beauty sleep." Scorn grinned, standing across from her.

Spider-Witch's eyes narrowed. "Who are you? What innocent person have you taken this time, Grom?!"

Scorn just smirked before her mask peeled off her face, revealing none other than Boscha under the suit. "Hey, Noceda."

Spider-Witch's eyes quickly went to a look of anger to one of horror. "B...Boscha?!"

"Oh, our city's mighty hero remembers me. I feel so honored." Boscha scoffed as she walked around her and the web she was tied to. "Y'know, I probably should've seen this...the fight all that time ago. It was obvious."

"Boscha...I know we haven't always gotten along...but you have to take that suit off." Spider-Witch said. "I wore that thing! I know what it does to you!"

Boscha's mask quickly formed around her face and she snarled. "You'd like that, wouldn't you!? For us to feel powerless again! For us to grovel at your feet! You took Amity from me! My reputation's gone, and now one by one, my friends are leaving me! All because of YOU!"

"Boscha, I didn't do any of that!!!" Spider-Witch cried. "Think for a second! Please! Besides Amity, was I even there for any of that!?"

Scorn slashed Spider-Witch in the face, actually cutting off some of her mask, revealing her true eye and skin-color, but not enough for the average person to see who she really was.

Spider-Witch breathed heavily as the pain stung her face, but she looked back at Boscha. "...that suit feels good, doesn't it...? The power...but that power isn't yours...that parasite is using you."

Scorn's three eyes glowed bright. "Whether that's true or not, we don't care...all we want is to DESTROY you...and after we do, the bossman will pay us handsomely...oh! And don't worry about the city. It'll be safe with us. We promise."

A blade then formed on Scorn's wrist, and she raised it above her head and Spider-Witch as mouth full of fangs formed a wicked smile.

But before she could swing the blade down, she heard something right beneath her feet. She looked down and saw some kind of golden orb which started blinking red.

Scorn's eyes widened when the orb suddenly blew apart, but there was no explosion. Instead, there was the loud booming sound of a flashbang.

The villain roared in agony at the sound, the blade practically melting back into her suit as she covered her eyes, tendrils shooting out of her body and waving around.

Then, as soon as the blindness started to fade, a man in golden armor suddenly flew in and socked Scorn across the jaw. Scorn was sent flying, but managed to grab on the edge of the building to stop herself from plummeting onto the ground.

Spider-Witch looked at her sudden savior before her eyes widened in surprise.

The golden armor was damaged and even pieces of it had been torn off. And instead of a glider, there seemed to have been some kind of jet pack attached to it. And finally, there was a familiar horned owl mask without a torn white cloak to go with it, revealing blonde hair.

"...Hunter!?" Spider-Witch exclaimed.

Hunter snapped his head towards her and he stepped back a bit. "...LUZ!?"

But then, Scorn lunged forward and punched Hunter right out of one of the many gaps in the unfinished building, but before he could even call, Hunter's jet pack kept him afloat and he reached to his back, pulling out a sword.

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