House show day 2

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"The following contest is scheduled for one fall!"

Crowd: One fall!

"And is a mixed-tag team match!"

*The lights go out and fog pours out onto the floor of the arena as 'The Other Side" plays. You and Dominik, standing there in the dark and as the no-show pyro goes off you and Dominik look up at the same time and start walking towards the ring*

"Introducing first. Representing the Judgment Day, Dominik Mysterio and she is the Smackdown Women's Champion, Madelyn Jayne!"

*sliding onto the apron, you then sit on the apron with your legs crossed as Dominik sits next to you with his arm around you as he smiles at you while you raise your championship. Feeling Dominik plant a kiss on your cheek, you smile as he stands up, sitting on the ropes and allow an opening for you as you step in the ring. Both of you waiting in the ring for Zelina and Santos as you sit on the top turnbuckle with Dom next to you*

You: Hey

Dominik: Hey

You: What do you wanna do after this?

Dominik: I don't know. I think we're getting on the road tonight and head to North Carolina

You: As long as I'm not driving

"Viva La Raza!"

*The loudly cheers as Santos and Zelina alone with walk out with no Crus, Rey or Joaquin with the extra support. You and Dominik just looking at them from the ring*

"And their opponents. Representing the LWO, Santos Escobar and Zelina Vega!"

*Santos and Zelina high-five fans as they make their way down to the ring, Dominik and you getting in your corner, with Dom on the apron. As the two members of LWO finishes their entrance, Santos steps onto the apron, leaving you and Zelina to fight each other*

Ring the bell!

*You were quicker than Zelina as you locked up with her, putting her in a "side-headlock" before slowly back into the ropes. Letting go of Zelina, she across the ring, you following behind as you slide onto your stomach and Vega jumping over you, running to the other ropes. You stand up and as Zelina runs back at you, you hit her with a "Hurricanrana" sending down back first*

You: C'mon, Vega!

*You taunt Zelina, hearing the crowd boo in the back, but you flip them off as you roughly yanked Zelina up by her hair, then throw her in your corner. You make the tag to Dominik, him and Santos getting in the ring as you four are in the center. You and Dominik hit Zelina and Santos with "Suplex" Zelina rolling out the ring as you step onto the apron and let the males fight*

When Dominik tags you in 5 minutes later

*Santos had the upper hand for the last few moments, about to hit Dominik, Dom acted scared and quickly run back over to you, hidding in the corner as you jump in and stand in front of Dominik*

Santos: Move

You: Make me, Escobar

Crowd: Dom's a pussy! Dom's a pussy! Dom's a pussy! Dom's a pussy! Dom's a pussy! Dom's a pussy! Dom's a pussy! Dom's a pussy! Dom's a pussy! Dom's a pussy! Dom's a pussy! Dom's a pussy! Dom's a pussy! Dom's a pussy! Dom's a pussy! Dom's a pussy! Dom's a pussy! Dom's a pussy!

*You step onto the apron, making a self-tag by hitting your hand on Dom's hand, Dominik steps onto the apron as you step in the ring. Taking your opponents off guard you hit Santos then as Zelina got in the ring, you got her with a "Shoulder-thrust" knocking her down, then pick her up and put into the corner, follow by a "Bulldog" going for the pin*

Ref: One..Two..

*Zelina kicks out, and takes you off guard by a fruit-roll up pin and you quickly kick out. Zelina hits you with a "Forearm" next thing everyone knows Zelina and you are going back and forth. Vega slaps you hard across the face, you glare at her while holding the side of your face*

You: You little...

*You "Uppercut" Zelina then climb on top of you, puching her rapidly before the ref pulls you off. you back off for a minute, then You run over Zoey, stepping your right foot on the bottom rope, then your left on the middle rope, your right quickly lands on the middle rope after you jump. Then you jumped up to the top rope, doing your "Shooting Star" landing amazingly on Zelina, but don't go for the pin. You instead trap her in a "Fujiwara Armbar"*

Crowd Chant: Zelina! Zelina! Zelina! Zelina! Zelina! Zelina! Zelina! Zelina! Zelina! Zelina! Zelina! Zelina! Zelina! Zelina! Zelina! Zelina! Zelina! Zelina! Zelina! Zelina! Zelina! Zelina! Zelina! Zelina!

*Before Zelina had the chance to trap, Santos grabs your leg and drags you off Vega and out the ring, you falling on the floor as you stare up in disbelief at Escobar.  Dominik's face showed anger, and when Santos had his eyes on you, Dominik hits him hard from behind, knocking him down*

Dominik: Finish her!

*You glances between Dom and Zelina before nodding and slide back into the ring, standing behind Zelina as she gets up and when she turns around, she met with your "Blitzkrieg Tornado Kick" knocking her down and out. You quickly climb up top, standing up you take flight with "JayneSault" landing on Zelina and hook her legs*


Ring the bell!

*You move off Zelina, pushing her out the ring and stand up as Dominik gets in the ring, hugging you. The ref raising both of your guys's arms in victory*

"Here are your winners, Dominik Mysterio and the Smackdown Women's Champion, Madelyn Jayne!"

*The ref leaves the ring and checks on LWO, You and Dominik leave the ring as you both to get ring while making your way backstage*

~Instagram Posts~

 @Paige_MadelynJ Caption- And after a fight

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Caption- And after a fight..I still look good

 @Paige_MadelynJ Caption- Rude😒 @Dominik_35

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Caption- Rude😒 @Dominik_35

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