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Hello guys,

Here is just my two cents about a topic I have been wanting to write for a while now. The reason being that I notice that a lot of people seem to get confused between possessive, being insecure and going beyond that and becoming obsessed. There is a very thin line between these three. As you all know, mine is a love marriage. Our marriage started on a long distance relationship. Three months after wedding, my husband moved to the US and I was stuck in India. This was right after our marriage so you can imagine how much we wanted to be together.

Since we had known each other for atleast 9 years before that (I met him when I was in 10th std but fell in love much later) we had a lot of trust in each other so he was never "possessive" when I interacted with other men nor was I when he interacted with other woman. The possessiveness happened mostly when I was spending more time with my family or he was with his but we always compensated that by giving attention to each other when we were together. So the most important factor here was trust. If you are secure about your relationship with your man then it is ok but making your partner "jealous" is not a cool thing. It is toxic and not romantic.

I see a lot of people being thrilled about Sivaangi's selfie with Arjun Das saying this will make AK jealous as possessive. Why would you want that for another girl? Why would you want then to argue about this? This is insane guys. First of all, I honestly don't think either AK or Sivu are so insecure. Yes, they might want to spend more time with each other because they are both busy people so the possessiveness might happen when one of then have to share that limited time with other family member but that is normal. Stop romanticizing fights and insecurities, jealousy etc in relationships. That is not cool.

Call me old school but I just wanted to share my POV. No offense to anyone.

Brinda Subramanian

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