Chapter 2

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-Kendall POV-

I looked to the side and came face to face with the most handsome guy ever. He had large brown eyes, long lashes that made my stomach flutter. His lips - they looked good.

"Thanks." I smiled, took the hanky and wiped my tears then handed it back. He smiled sweetly.

"This is gonna sound cliché but, what's a beautiful young lady like you doing all alone at a creepy old bar." He said in a sexy deep voice. His brown eyes held me captive.

"I figured this is what people in the movies do when they get their heart broken." I giggled. "But I gotta tell ya its really boring."

The guy laughed and held out his hand for me. "Samuel, you can call me Sammy though." He said smoothly.

I grasped his hand. "Its Kendall." As I shook his hand, I noticed his biceps flex and forced myself to not drool. He must be around 21 at least.

We spoke for what seemed like an hour, he seemed like a sweet, harmless guy who reads poetry to elderly people. But the way he bit his lip when I spoke made me feel uneasy.

The bar was filling up with random people which gave Sammy a chance to move closer to me. He bought us a couple drinks but I wasn't the least hit drunk, I hope that isn't his plot...

"I'm sorry...but you're just so beautiful." He whispered in my ear. The bar was rowdier and I loved the feeling of his breath on my cheek.

"Thanks." I blushed. I suddenly forgot about Jack and Madison. It was just this beautiful human being in front of me, he had my full attention.

When he asked how old I am, I lied and said 19. He said he's 20. I doubt I'd even see him again so no biggie.

I felt Sammy's hand slide onto my thigh making me tense. But in a way that made me want this stranger. I told myself to stay away but he attracted me. His fingers made tiny circles on my inner thighs, shifting my dress up.

The next seconds went by in such a blur that it stunned me. Because before I knew it Sammy's lips crashed on mine and we were making out against the bathroom door.


Sammy and I were making out heavily in the bathroom at the grill. I know I know, how can you just kiss a complete stranger who could potentially kill you blah blah blah. But if you ever had a hot guy like Sammy pressed against would understand.

It was so good - his kisses - they made me float. They burned a fire deep inside of me that wanted him.

"I want you." He said huskily in my ear and I felt the same. His hands were touching me roughly - he was frustrated with the amount of clothing I had one. "So badly."

I can't give in.

"I w-want you too Sammy." I exhaled as he kissed my neck softly, biting down on my skin.

"This is gonna sound fucked up but..." He looked up with pleading eyes. "My place?"

My mind blanked. I can't just...go to his house of all places. He's a freaking stranger for crying out loud. My mind was yelling at me to say NO and run away but my heart kept whispering his name. Heck, my body screamed for him.

"Your place." I gave in. I gave in because something about Sammy felt just right. He didn't appear lusty about the way he kissed or touched me. He needs this...just like me.

So we hurried out of the grill, his hand gripping my tightly as we walked to his car which was a Matte black Mercedes. Woah is Sammy like a billionare. He opened the for me and came round to the driver seat.

"I won't hurt you." He said softly and kissed my cheek. I just smiled. What can I say really? We met a second ago and he's already being affectionate and I don't understand why.

He sped off to his house making eye contact with me every so often. I really couldn't wait so I unbuckled his pants as he sped pass a red light. I've never done this before but as he drove i bent down and worked some magic. Sammy groaned loudly several times and he swerved off the road a couple times.

When he reached his - apartment and not house - I pulled away smirking. He pouted in disappointment. We wasted no time in walking pass the receptionist desk and up to his apartment.

The minute we walked in, Sammy ripped off my dress and jacket. Talk about no chill when it comes to this. I however did the same with him, until we were both naked against his bedroom door.

"You're beautiful." Sammy moaned and roughly pushed me onto the bed. He made me want this even more.

And we did it. I think Sammy knew this is my first time - maybe he didn't - but he was so gently but rough. He didn't want to hurt me so he was slow at first then he picked up the pace.

It was something out of my wildest dreams.

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