Chapter 30

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-Kendall POV-

My rescuer was Sammy.

Sammy was full of rage and looked like he could rip Kian to shreds. Kian stood up carefully, looking just as angry as Sammy did.

He pushed Sammy angrily. Everyone around us gasped because I mean you don't see students shoving teachers around occasionally. Kian made the mistake of doing that.

Because Sammy lost his shit and slammed his fists into Kians face repeatedly until Kian was on the ground. His face swollen and bloody but Sammy still threw punches at Kian.

"Mr Wilkinson!" I said recovering from shock.

"Don't ever!" Sammy yelled. "Touch my - I mean a girl - don't touch a girl like that ever again!"

Kian nodded quickly. Then he groaned from the pain just as the headmaster appeared and looked appalled at the scene.

"Mr Wilkinson!" He shook his small head in disapproval. "What are you doing to the poor child?!"

"Teaching him a valuable lesson!" Sammy said clenching his fists.

"Mr Lawley we have rules here at Westside High! See me in my office now." He said sternly to a bloodied up Kian.

"As for you Mr Wilkinson, see me in my office after school." He gave him a look that portrayed bad news.

"Yes Mr Salvatore." Sammy nodded. He then surveyed me quickly to make sure I wasn't hurt. "Sorry, if I scared you Ms Parker."

"It-ts okay Mr Wilkinson's." I stuttered. I could feel everyone staring at the scene and wish I could disappear into the ground any second.

"Everyone back to study hall!" Mr Wilkinson raised his voice to clear the hallway from students.

"Sammy I'm so sorry - "

"Babe are you hurt? Oh man I swear if I see that kid again..." Sammy rushed to my side and held my face in his hands.

I held back a smile. "I'm fine, he didn't hurt me or anything. Don't be upset okay? I don't want you to lose your job because of me."

"I don't care." He shook his head. "I just want you to be safe Kendall. God I could kill that guy."

I chuckled. "I appreciate that Sammy, but just focus on not getting fired or Kian pressing chargers."

"You're right." He sighed and ran a finger down my face, looking at me lovingly.

"Thank you for that." I smiled. "You're always my hero."

"I try to be." He pecked my forehead quickly and pulled away just as a student walked down the hallway.

"Get back to study hall." He motioned towards the door.

I nodded and went inside to find everyone staring at me openly. Really? High school students are major annoying when it comes to fights.

"Are you okay?" Tas asked when I got to the table.

"Man the way Mr Wilk protected you! I could die from feels!" Marlena shook my hand excitedly.

"I'll admit." Kimberly shrugged. "It was pretty sweet of him to stand up for you like that."

"Yeah I guess." I held back a smile. "But its kinda dodgy...a teacher doesn't just attack a student like that, I hope he doesn't get into trouble."

"I doubt Mr Salvatore would like fire him for standing up for a girl." Marlena said.

"Yeah." Tas agreed. "I mean it was Kians fault for coming on to you like that."

"Maybe you could tell Mr Salvatore that before his meeting with Mr Wilk." Kimberly suggested.

"Maybe..." I nodded. "I have to get home early though, the Gilinskys invited us over for a barbeque."

"What?" Tas snorted.

"Oh yeah." I nodded.

Marlena and Kimberly snickered knowing I didn't want to attend the barbeque. I didn't blame them for laughing, I felt sorry for myself as well.

Kimberly sighed. "Look just...don't be mean okay?"

"I'll try." I shrugged. "Sometimes I can't help being a bitch. It's second nature."

"We know that." Marlena laughed.


After school I went to talk to Mr Salvatore on giving Sammy a break, I didn't want to get him in trouble.

"Well Ms Parker I believe you." Mr Salvatore surveyed me. "And I'm letting your teacher off the hook this time."

I sighed in relief. "Thanks Mr Salvatore."

He nodded and I was dismissed. Since Sammy had to see Mr Salvatore anyways I couldn't see him this afternoon and that bummed me out. So I went home early that afternoon to get ready for the Gilinsky barbeque.

"You're home early." My mom smiled as I walked in. "Eager to see the Gilinsky clan?"

I fought the urge to roll my eyes and scream in frustration and simply smiled and walked to my room. I couldn't stand when people still had this idea of Jack and I so I tried to ignore it.

I don't know what my problem is but I had major butterflies. Maybe because I was seeing them after a while but it wasn't because of not because of him.

So I started getting out outfits to wear and hair ideas. I had a few hours to kill but I wanted to look my best so I took my time and effort.

-Jack POV-

"Honey calm down." My mom said patting my back as I paced the kitchen.

"I cant! Tonight is gonna be awful and I can tell." I said feeling my nerves kick in.

"The last you were this nervous, Kendall was coming over for the first time!" She laughed.

I groaned. "Please don't say that to her or like ever! Kendall and I are over as in over mom."

"I hear you Jack." She said but had a smile on her face.

Just then my sisters came in, Laura and Molly.

"You're sweating." Laura noted.

Molly laughed. "That's really gross."

"Everyone just be calm okay! Don't freak out and don't mention our relationship okay?" I said.

"Dude we're calm." Molly said folding her arms. "You're the one freaking out here and acting like a psycho!"

"I'm totally calm." I exhaled.


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