Chapter 37

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-Kendall POV-

Breakups are hard. I understand that very much so but this was too hard for me to handle anymore. I didn't feel heartbroken, I felt more than that.

It was the type of heartbreak that you feel in your bones. It hurt everywhere. I cried every time I thought about our memories. Even if we were a secret - it was everything and more to me.

"Hey Kendall." I looked up and met two of Madison's eyes. I groaned internally and didn't feel like engaging in a convo with her.

"Hi." I answered shortly.

"You look so down lately." She took a seat next to me. I was sitting outside in the sun, just trying to clear my mind and now she was here.

"School is just tough." I shrugged and looked away.

"Yeah." She agreed. "Anyways, Mr Wilkinson suggested that you and I should plan the big senior year trip together!"

"No thanks." I snorted.

"Oh come on! You're like Mr Wilkinson's favorite student." She whined.

I gritted my teeth. "Look Madison, you can plan this alone or with someone else! I don't want to and besides I don't wanna go anymore."

I grabbed my bag and stalked off back into school eager to get away. Why in the world would I want to pair up with Madison and work with a guy who I just broke up with?

That spelt drama and I would love to avoid that. On the serious note - I changed my mind about senior weekend again, I didn't want to go. I didn't want to act like I'm happy when I'm not - I don't care if that makes me a bad person.

"Woah! You look like you're on a mission to kill." Jack stopped me mid-stride as I was matching down the corridor.

I loosened up my angry face, realizing that I must have looked scary to by-passers.

"What's wrong?" He asked with a worried look that I found cute. He was so carrying that i couldn't believe this was my Jack.

"I'm having a really long day." I said thinly. I didn't feel like elaborating with Jack of all people now. The reason for my breakup with the love of my life.

I turned to walk away but held Jack pulled my hand back. His grip firm and strong, it was like he was in control now.

"You know I'm here for you right?" He smiled at me warmly. "I would never hurt you or betray you."

"I know." I smiled back.

"You can trust me." He pulled me into a bear hug. It made me feel so much better, like he was gluing the broken pieces back together now.

"Thank you Jack." I held him. I believed him this time.

-Jack POV-

"This plan is literally foolproof!" I laughed as Madison and I laid on her bed, filling each other in on our moments with Kendall.

"The fact that everyone is stupid enough to believe we had a fight and broke up is so classic." Madison laughed.

"Its hilarious." I laughed.

"By the way." Madison said. "Kendall told me she's not coming to the senior year vacay...she has to! So you're gonna try and convince her."

"How do I do that?" I frowned.

"I don't know, kiss her or something." she shrugged. "Ask her out."

"Really?" I raised a brow. "You're okay with that?"

"I know its just an act." Madison rolled her eyes. "Just don't have sex with her, then I'd be pissed."

"No sex." I held up my hands. "Promise."

She smiled in satisfaction. Well at least I will try and stick to the promise.

"We need to figure out our next step in getting Kendall to feel how I felt. I'm all out if ideas." I told Madison.

"But I have the perfect idea." Madison gave me a devious look.

"We aren't leaking the video yet." I clarified immediately. I wanna get back at Kendall for leaving me but I still did care about her and I didn't want her to get in trouble for it.

"Not yet." She agreed. "The only way to get Kendall hurt is if Mr Wilkinson moved on and she witnesses it."

"That's a great idea but...its not like she's gonna see him everyday." I shrugged. "Will it work out!"

"That's exactly why we're gonna hit closer to her heart...I have the perfect person to help get back at Kendall."

"I'm in." I nodded.

"I'm gonna work on it." She got up and grabbed her purse. "See you later."

"See you babe." I said and she left.

I still felt a tinge of guilt for doing this to Kendall but karma had to be served and I want to be the one to do it. I've been faking my feelings with Kendall but I have to admit one thing...there was a bit of love left there.

And I didn't want that to happen. I didn't want to fall for Kendall while trying to get back at her...that was like my plan totally back firing.

Just then the doorbell rang, I remember inviting Kendall over to study so I jogged down and opened the door. There she stood in jean shorts and a crop top that was super hot.

"Ready to study some Math?" She smiled goofily and walked in.

"You bet ya!" I laughed. "Want anything from the kitchen?"

"Water is fine." She smiled.

"Head up so long, I'll be there." I told her, she nodded and walked up to my bedroom while I got us some snacks. I had to keep Madison's promise but when Kendall looked like this, it was hard.

When I walked upstairs, Kendall was lying on her stomach on my bed flipping threw the text book. I set the snacks on the study table and slowly got onto her, my body against her back.

"Wha - Jack?" Kendall stuttered when I kissed her neck softly.

"Dont hold back." I whispered and trailed little kisses on her shoulder. She has goosebumps on her skin now.

"I can't right now." She said slowly.

"I know you feel something." I kissed her collarbone and looked up again to find her eyes full of nervousness...and love?

Who knows.

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