Chapter 28

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-Kendall POV-


This morning, mother nature greeted me in the most disgusting, messy and crimson way possible.

I took a shower and raced to school to tell Sammy. Now I know you're wondering why I would want to tell my boyfriend that I just got my period. Pretty weird and personal right?

But this means I'm not pregnant! Which is great news for Sammy and I. But as I slowly parked next to Kimberly's car, I cut the engine and looked down at my stomach.

The happiness slowly slipped away and I stared at it like I was in a daze. What if I did turn out pregnant? Lately I'd been thinking about that alot and it didn't seem half as bad than I thought.

I remember what Sammy said:

××× Flashback ×××

"What if I'm preggers foreal?" I asked Sammy sunday night as we laid in his bed.

"Then we'll figure it out." He pulled me closer. I had to leave for home soon before my parents get worried.

"Would you like...leave me?" I asked him nervously.

"Are you crazy? I would never leave you especially if you're pregnant!" He cupped my face in his hands. "Kendall I love you so much."

"I love you too." I smiled.

"If it does happen then I'd be the luckiest dad ever." Sammy chuckled and kissed my forehead.

××× End of Flashback ×××

Would I disappoint him in away? Its all we've been talking about in the quiet hours of the night.

"I'm losing it." I mumbled knowing I can't have a child now. Why am I even thinking about it? I should be jumping for joy now not thinking about the what if.

Just as I got out, the girls caught me and we engaged in me explaining what happened with Jack on Saturday night. I didn't want to but I told them how I felt too, and especially after the kiss on my cheek.

"Oh right...friends." Marlena smirked.

"Friends." Tas made air quotes as she said the word.

As I was about to leave for Sammy's class we spotted Jack and Madison roll up and my heart sank. But I need to remember we promised to be friends.

They looked like they were having a very heated discussion. Jack yelled so loud that the whole parking lot turned and watch Madison stomp off in anger.

"Trouble in paradise." Kimberly snorted.

"Holy maloley." Tas remarked as Jack slammed his fists on the wheel like he was about to kill someone.

"Go talk to him!" Marlena nudged me in his direction. I made a face but went over anyways.

-Jack POV-

She never left my mind. Not once.

"Honey you're bowl is overflowing with milk." My mom cut through my thoughts of Kendall. I looked down and cursed at the mess I was making.

"Sorry mom I'm just tired." I rubbed my eyes and ate my cereal anyway...well it was more milk than anything.

"Uh-huh." She gave me a look. "I wanted to ask you something."

"Shoot." I nodded. It was Monday morning again and I was half asleep.

"I was thinking of inviting the Parkers over for a barbeque on friday." She said slowly so I could understand.

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