Chapter 12

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-Kendall POV-

After Sammy dropped me off at home, I walked into my quiet house and thanked heavens my parents we're out.

I walked up to my room to get changed and started on some assignments.

I took a long hot shower and felt so good because lately my life was going great and having Sammy with me was just made everything better.

A few months ago I would never have thought of hooking up with a teacher. Okay technically I hooked up with him before he was my teacher so we're safe. Not really but we will be.

As I got started on my trig homework, I got a text from Tas.

"Hey." I greeted Tas. "What's up?"

"Mrs MIA!" Tas yelled. "Where have you been lately?"

I laughed. "I uhm..I've just been busy with school and shit."

"Yeah." Tas snorted. "Listen, we're all gonna head to Burger King later."

"I don't know I'm kind of tired." I shrugged and slapped myself because I knew she couldn't see me.

"Oh come on! We've never seen you in days ever since school started! Besides we're all discussing something important." Tas begged.

"Fiiiiiine." I groaned. "I'll meet you guys there."

"Alright at 8:30?" She asked. "You better be there."

"Sure." I chuckled.

We hung up the phone after saying our goodbyes. I felt bad that I didn't see the girls and guys for while because right after school I go home with Sammy. It wasn't cool at all.

I also felt bad for lying to Tas, Kimberly and Marlena. They've been my best friends since kindergarten and I should be able to tell them anything. The difference is that I wouldn't want them to think I'm a slut for being with a guy older them me.

I wish I had the guts to come out and say it like I did with Taylor. That's also another different story because Taylor supports everything I do...he's rational and that's what I love. He also doesn't give a shit about the law. (Except with Madison in real life lol)

So right before 8:30 I quickly changed into ripped denim shorts and a tank top. I slid on some old Vans and headed out to my car. I wouldn't stay out too late since its a school night.

When I got to Burger King, the girls were there including the guys. And sadly Jack Gilinsky. Thankfully there was a seat open next to Matt so I didn't have to sit next to Jack. The only down part was I had to watch Jack and Madison laugh at stupid shit.

"I don't even remember your face Ken! You are like always gone." Aaron threw one of his fries at me.

"Girls gotta do her thing." I winked making the guys laugh.

"Who's the new guy!?" Marlena winked.

I giggled. "No guy. I've been busy with school stuff. College waits for no woman."

"My go-getter!" Matt laughed and put his arm around me good-naturedly. Jack didn't think so because his facial expression died and he came close to killing Matt with his eyes.

After I ordered, we ate and caught up on everyone's personal life. I smiled realizing what a huge family we are, nothing could separate us. Not even the end of senior year.

"Okay guys I've come up with something really great for us." Kimberly announced.

"This better not be like one of your crazy ass summer holiday assignment where you make us go on a church camp." Taylor fixed his bandana.

"Oh come on!" Kim rolled her eyes. "You all loved that...Aaron even said he saw the light."

"Yeah the light of the hangover he had after sneaking alcohol into church camp!" Nash laughed.

I couldn't help giggle.

"Anyways." Marlena rolled her eyes. "We kind of got the idea from church camp."

"We're all going on a summer camp! Before finals and prom!" Kimberly yelled excitedly.

"Huh?" We all said simultaneously.

Kimberly signed. "Come on! I'll let my uncle who lives near Cali lend us he lake house for a weekend! It'll be so fun."

"Sounds kinda good to me." Shawn agreed first.

"Is there gonna be food?" Matt asked.

"Is there gonna be alcohol?" Jack asked.

"Is there gonna be bitches?" Nash asked.

Kimberly. "A variety! And I'm talking all three of those things."

"We are soooo in!" The guys said in unison and pumped fists in the air.

I, on the other hand, wasn't to keen on spending the first weekend of summer break at some isolated cabin. I planned to spend it with Sammy.

"I don't know you guys." I bit on my nail thoughtfully.

"Kendall!" Johnson said. "You have no choice! Its a family deal."

I guess one weekend away from Sammy would be okay. I know I would miss him but my friends are already suspicious of whats going on in my life. I had to do this because it'll help our relationship.

"Let's do it!" I held up my cup of cola as a toast and soon it all followed.

The good part is that's still a few weeks ago so I have enough time with Sammy.

But seeing Jack for a weekend? I don't know.

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