Chapter 16

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Adding Jack & Madison POVs to make it more interesting :)

-Jack POV-

"Say something."I said after a few minutes of me gaping at him.

I just told Kendall that I love her. I don't why I did but I just have to get it out so she knows I'm here. I've been a jerk to her and cheated on her several times and I don't deserve her. But that doesn't change how I feel.

"Jack I don't -" Kendall started.

"You don't love me?" I asked feeling my heart sink.

"Jack." She said and looked away.

"Just be honest." I covered her small hand in mine. "I want you to be honest with me about how you feel."

"We've together for a few years Jack." She sighed. "And I just can't stop loving you like that."

It was like a weight off shoulders being lifted when she said those words.

"Thank goodness babe - "

"Woah Jack." She pulled her hand away and stood up, facing the sink with her back to me. She started shaking, so I guessed she was crying.

"What's wrong?" I asked getting up and walking to her, I could hear her sobs and it broke my heart.

No matter who I see, Kendall will always have a soft spot in my heart. She's always gonna be the girl who stole my heart. I don't know how else to move on because I've tried several girls and nobody has what she has.

"I just had a bad day." She sniffed but didn't turn around. I wanted her to talk to me and tell me about her bad day. I wanted her to trust me again.

"Hey hey don't cry." I said and turned her around slowly. Her eyes and nose were red from crying. "Talk to me?"

"Can you just hold me?" Her voice broke at end and without hesitating I pulled her into my arms. She sobbed into my sweater while I stroked her hair gently.

I should be happy that she asked me to hold her, to comfort her but a part of me knew this isn't because of me.

Its because of another guy.


"Did you do it?" Madison asked as I walked into her bedroom later that night. I left Kendalls house after she fell asleep with me holding her.

"Yeah." I said grumpily.

"Good! Its just one step closer to what I want." She smiled and pulled me onto the bed with her.

"And what exactly do you want Madison? I don't wanna hurt her." I said pulling away slightly.

"Once we get all Kendall's secrets out then she would have no choice to be with you, I mean isnt that what you want Jack?" She asked pouting.

"When she's ready to be with me then I'll leave her." I said. "Just like she left me."

"Exactly baby." Madison ran her hand through my hair.

Madison had convinced me that Kendall was up to something none if knew about and I started realizing it too. She's never around much. So Madison had me go over to Kendall and make her think I'm being there for her.

I wasn't at first.

But now...after saying all those things to Kendall, the feelings felt so real. I felt like it came from my heart and that wasn't the plan.

Madison couldn't know this.

-Madison POV-

I figured that Jack would still have feelings for Kendall. Its so obvious but I also figured that he's a typical guy and all he would want is to have revenge of her after she left him.

So my plan was fool proof:

1. Get Jack to play with Kendall's feeling.

2. Find out why Kendall's always with Mr Wilkinson.

3. Catch them together.

4. Expose Kendall as the bitch she really is.

5. Have Jack all to myself after he realizes how much better I am.

Its fool proof.

-Kendall POV-

When I woke up the next morning for school I wanted to shoot myself in the head and die right there. I felt like crap especially after letting Jack in last night.

"You look sick honey." Ric, my stepdad, said as I drank coffee glumly at the table.

"Just couldn't sleep Ric." I rubbed my face to keep awake. "Where's mom?"

"Off to work already. Your cars in for repairs so I'll have to take you school." He said handed me toast and bacon.

I smiled. I honestly felt like Ric was my actual dad except I could never call him dad, I wasn't ready for that.

"You're the best." I ate quickly and just as finished, Olivia walked in. (Olivia is her step sister i mentioned in like chapter 1 or 2 and kinda forget but I hope y'all remember)

I tried to pretend like she didn't bother but really she got on my nerves.

"I saw Gilinskys car parked out there last night." Olivia smiled as Ric looked up at me with a frown. "Stayed with up too late, is that why you're tired."

"Shut up Olivia." I rolled my eyes.

"You look sick too." She smirked. "Sure you don't have a Gilinsky bun in the oven."

"Jack Gilinsky? Ken why was he here last night without us knowing?" He folded his arms. My mom and Ric weren't strict but they preferred knowing when I have a boy friend and when guys come over.

"He came by for some homework that he missed out." I lied. I didn't want to lose their trust especially with Sammy. Sammy, oh god my heart sank at the thought of him.

"Next time tell us please." Ric nodded. "And did you uhm..."

"What?" I asked. I hated Olivia for this.

"I hope you kids were safe and used a - " he gulped

"OH MY GOD RIC!" I yelled and closed my eyes. "We didn't do anything I swear!"

"Well good." He sighed.

"Can we go to school now?" I groaned from embarrassment.

"I can take you Ken." Olivia smiled and held her keys up.

"No Ric offered." I took a sip of Coffee.

"Well I am the new Science teacher so I might as well - " she grinned.

I choked on coffee and almost sent a spray of it in Olivia's face. I coughed a few times as her grin spread wider.

"You're WHAT?" I raised a brow.

"I'm teaching at Westside High now Ken, isnt that exciting." She had a smug look that I wanted to smack right off.

"No." I groaned and buried my head in my hands.

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