Chapter 40

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Halsey - Roman Holiday
Sammy POV-

I've been the ultimate jerk lately and I know it. I've been hurting Kendall more than she hurt me and I knew that. But I was in way too deep with Olivia to want out - I did like her but...she isn't Kendall.

Kendall is the girl I fell in love with almost instantaneously. Everything was so easy with her, it was like floating on clouds when we're together. But it was a difficult love that ended out of our will.

To this day, Gilinsky has still been keeping tabs on my relationship with Kendall and whether we were secretly seeing each other but to keep him away I started dating Olivia who is also a teacher.

Kendall seemed detached and I wish I could tell her the truth from the start so we could be friends. But I knew I loved her too much to just be her friend. It could never be like that. I made it worse by being at their house almost every night.

I parked outside Kendalls house to hang out with Olivia for the night. But the house looked dark except for a light shining from the living room. I got out and walked to the front door, ringing the bell a few times.

Seconds later the door opened and none other than Kendall stood before me. Her small face flickered with so much emotion, the one thing I wanted to do was hold her close.

A flash of anger spread over her

-Kendall POV-

"Chill! Go have fun." I pushed my mom and Ric out the door.

"You'll be fine?" My mom asked worriedly.

"It's your anniversary! I'm sure the opera is amazing so go have some fun." I insisted.

"Okay well be safe." Ric kissed my forehead. "Olivia is out with friends and won't be back tonight so call us if you need anything!"

I nodded. "Toodles!"

I waved them off as they drove out to go see some opera thing for their anniversary. I was so glad to get the house to myself after the emotional week I've had. I was beyond happy that Olivia isn't here to annoy me.

My heart dropped when I thought of Sammy - the love of my life. The only guy I could love this much, and I hated that he was dating my sister.

I wanted him back. I knew he wanted it too but something was holding him back. It wasn't Olivia though; it was something bigger than he could handle. And it bugged me.

To let go of my anxiety I grabbed some popcorn and sprawled on the couch. I flicked Teen Wolf up, season 5 - I've been dying to catch up.

About twenty minutes into the first episode, the doorbell rang and I was hoping Olivia wasn't back so soon. I paused TW, got up and went to open the front door.

"Can I help - " I stopped mid sentence when I met Sammy's warm brown eyes. My heart fluttered.

Then I frowned. "Olivia isn't here sorry."

I began closing the door when Sammy's foot blocked the door quickly.

"What do you want?" I asked rudely.

He pushed open the door, stepped inside and slammed it behind him with force.

"What's your problem? First you cheat, then you get angry because I broke up with you! Then you get together with Gilinsky, but I'm wrong for dating Olivia!" Sammy ranted.

"I don't care what you do! You said it yourself, you broke up with me, meaning we aren't together!!" I yelled back.

"Oh shut up." Sammy yelled and pressed me against the wall, his lips pressed against mine.

I was taken back but slid my legs around his waist as the kiss deepened roughly. Sammy kissed me like I was the air he breathed and couldn't stop.

His hands ripped open my shirt as I pulled his shirt off. The temptation was too strong to resist, I wanted to feel his body.

"Sammy you shouldn't - "

"I need you." He said huskily. "I need you so fucking much Kendall."

He picked me up and led us to my bedroom, shutting the door behind him. Our lips never breaking once except to take a breather.

"I love you." He said between breaths, his hands touching my waist carefully. "Just you baby girl."

"I love you Sammy." I exhaled.

Sammy laid me on the bed, pulled my jeans and undies in one go. He was rough; wanting this badly as much as I did.

He quickly unbuckled his jeans and shrugged them off. I felt little kissed on my chest, his waist between my legs. How did this happen?

Without saying a word, Sammy was filling me up. My fingers were sinking in his skin, his lips brushed mine. And the feeling of euphoria swept over me.

I was his, he was mine. We were one.

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