Chapter 11

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-Kendall POV-

My blood ran cold.

Madison stared at me with a straight face as if expecting me to mess up and confess my burnkmg affection for our English teacher.

"Oh that hoodie?" I felt Taylors arm around my shoulder. "I borrowed it to Kendall the other day."

I exhaled. "Yeah it's actually Taylor's hoodie."

"Right." Madison raised a brow but walked away without asking further questions. I was relieved.

"You're the bomb." I hugged him.

"I am." He shrugged. "You owe me big time because that is Mr Wilkinson's hoodie."

"How do you know?" I asked in disbelief. I didn't mind if Taylor finds out, I knew that if I could trust anyone, its Taylor Caniff.

"Coffee stain." He pointed to a small spot on the hoodie. "Mr Wilk spilt coffee on it during the last lesson."

I laughed. "Well damn!,You should be an investigator Caniff."

"I'm pretty good. But I can't seem to figure out why exactly how and why you came into the possession of wearing our teacher's hoodie." He said as we walked to Spanish.

"Its a long story." I sighed.

"Wait!" Taylor stopped. "Are you hooking up with our teacher?" He stared at me with a wide mouth, disbelief in his eyes.

"It's not what you -"

He gasped. "Oh my fuxking word!"

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