Chapter 8

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-Sammy POV-

"Baseball game this Saturday night?" Nate asked as I picked him from the studio he works at. Nates a rapper and producer in Nebraska so I always got tickets to the latest concerts.

"I actually have a date." I smirked. "Next time maybe."

"A date? Get the fuck out." He laughed and patted my back. "Who's the dime?"

"Her names Kendall." I shrugged like its no big deal but I was pretty stoked.

"Oh the one night stander? You're fucking kidding me! You're together?" He asked. I told Nate about her, not that she's my student now of course. I don't know what he would think of that so I'd wait.

"Not together like that though." I replied. "I guess its just complicated between us right now. But I do have feelings for her. Big time."

"You're a sappy muthafucker! But I'm real happy for you bro." He nodded.

"Thanks. She's different and that's what I like about her, she's not too showy like most girls." I went on.

"That's great. I can't wait to meet this mysterious woman." He grinned. "Drop me off at my place."

So I drove to Nates house and dropped him off. I had to run to the grocery store real quick for a few things for Saturday night. I planned to cook Kendall a proper dinner and everything, I also had some movies for us to watch.

I initially wanted to take Kendall to a fancy restaurant or even a picnic but the fact that people might see us came up. I could lose my job or she could be in major trouble if people find out we're together.

So instead, we settled on her coming to my apartment around 9 p.m on Saturday night and maybe stay over if she could. She gave me her phone number so we could text each other.

I hope Saturday went through with no problems.

-Kendall POV-

"Matt's party tonight??" Tas yelled and did a dance on my den coffee table. The rest of the girls laughed and threw popcorn at her.

It was Saturday night and I planned to meet Sammy at his apartment for our first date night. That's all I've been thinking of for the past day. I looked at my watch, it was around 6 p.m now and decided I could first head to Matt's party and then sneak off to Sammy.

I could even stay over, my parents would think I'm sleeping over at Tas, Kimberly or Marlena. That was the best part of it all. So I agreed to go with them.

We all headed to my room to get ready as the party was probably already going. We all raided my closet for stuff to wear, we were more or less the same size. I had some of their clothes here anyways.

Tas threw on a short black dress that shows off her curves. She added a white cardigan and converse since it was chilly outside. I curled her hair lightly and did some some light make up.

Marlena and I were about the same size in about everything! She borrowed my ripped black leggings and black frilly crop tee that went well. I gave her a blue cardigan so she wouldn't freeze. She wore ballet flats with that and left her hair in a messy bun.

Kimberly is probably the most fashionable between us. She lives for dressing up! So she wore my denim shorts with black see through stockings underneath. She laced up her black biker boots and added a black sweater to pull the look together. I helped straighten her hair out.

For me, I went simple because I just wanted to get to the party and leave toSammy's apartment as soon as possible. I wore black jeans and paired it with a black tank with a red and black flannel over that. I added my black converse too. Marlena straightened my hair and applied make up.

We all headed in our separate cars as we didn't know who would go home early. Tas snapped a selfie of us and we were off to Matt's party.

When we got there, music was blasting, people were dancing and smoking. The boys party was always a turn up. The girls and I hopped out quickly and then went to greet Matt and Taylor.

I spotted Jack who kept eyeing me out every few seconds. I smiled slowly as a sign of greeting and he winked back. A part of me will always care about him I guess.

"Stop staring and have fun." Cameron said and pulled me over to the dance floor. He pulled me close into a hug, I inhaled his strong cologne.

"I just need to loosen up." I laughed and moved to the beat with Cameron behind me, holding my hips.

"I can help with that." He whispered into my hair, his warm breath making me shiver slightly.

Before I could reply, the beat sped up and Cameron started grinding against me. I lost my shit. Just because I didn't have feelings for him, he could get any girls nickers wet in a second.

"Cam - " I started.

"We're just having fun." He smirked and continued grinding against me, his perfect body against mine was pure bliss. But it felt wrong.

When the song ended I peeled my body off of his, my cheeks flushed and my breathing heavy.

"I'm gonna uh..go to the bathroom." I smiled at Cameron who gazed over my body with a hungry look. I'm not a burrito dude.

"Hurry back." He winked.

"Yeah sure." I smiled then dashed through the crowd. I actually did go to the bath room to calm the fuck down before heading to Sammy.

After I was sure Cameron couldn't see me, I quickly snuck out of the party. Nobody even noticed me because they were probably too drunk or high.

I got into my car and drove to Sammy's now familiar apartment building. It was quiet tonight so I didn't gave to check who saw what. I greeted the apartment clerk, she knew I was with Sammy so she nodded towards the elevator.

I knocked on the door when I got to his room and it swung open immediately.

"Babe." Sammy smiled and pulled me into a big hug. His strong arms wrapped me up tightly and securely. I'd rather have this than Cameron's body bumping.

"I missed you." I said into his chest.

"I missed you too babe." He said pulling away with a smile on his face. Before I could say something, Sammy's smile faded slowly and a frown appeared on his face.

"What's wrong Sam?" I asked frowning.

"Why the fuck do you smell like men's fucking perfume Kendall?" Sammy said and stepped back.

I almost laughed.

"Sammy - "

"You smell like a guy! Who the fuck were you with now?" His voice sounded cold and thunderous.

My face fell. His sudden change in facial expression and emotion scared me and I couldn't understand why.

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