Chapter 34

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-Kendall POV-

Last night felt like a dream. No. More like a nightmare. A horrible horrible nightmare I never want to have repeated.

I already smiled before I could open my eyes, thinking about what a awful dream I had last night about Jack. Thank god it was all a dream. And I would wake up and it would be all okay.

When I finally opened my eyes, the familiar wallpaper came into view. But it wasn't mine. It belonged to Jack. I looked down and sure enough, his arms were laced around my waist.

"No." I whispered in fear. "No way."

I felt Jack wriggle next to me. He yawned loudly, his eyelids fluttered and the lashes tickling my neck.

"Morning b - " he started.

"No!" I bolted upright literally throwing his arm off of my waist. He looked taken back and sat up too, looking at me with concern.

"Kendall what - " he reached for my hand.

"No don't touch me!" I shrieked and held the covers over my naked body. My head was pounding like crazy and I had to blink several times.

Jack frowned. "I did more than just touch you last night Kendall! I don't understand why you're acting - "

"Oh no no no." I shook my head and buried it in my head.

"What do you mean no?" He sounded hurt but I couldn't let myself care right now. I fucked up big freaking time.

"Turn around!" I instructed harshly and thankfully he did so. I got out of bed and scrambled for my blue dress, slipping it on.

"Woah woah!" Jack stood up and slid on his clothes, blocking my path to the door.

"Please just move." I look down, clutching my shoes in my hand.

"No!" Jack folded his arms. "You're running off after we had sex for the first time Kendall! I think I deserve an explanation."

I sighed. "We were just drunk last night Jack and that's all it was. It was a drunk mistake that should not have happened!"

He stepped back like I slapped him.

"We shouldn't have." I told him. "I'm with someone else."

"Kendall." Jack exhaled and stepped forward. "You're - "

"Serious." I finished for him. "I'm so sorry Jack."

I pushed pass him, he stood fixed to the ground. And I felt like such a jerk but I knew I had to leave before it got even worse than last night. If it could even get any worse.

On my way out the door Molly held a cup of coffee and smiled at me.

"Hey Ken! You and Jack - " she smiled but I zipped pass her towards the door. I needed to get home and sort my mind out

"I'm going home." I yelled. "Party was great thanks! And there's no Jack and I."

I drove home quickly and went inside, locking the doors behind me. I ran upstairs and into the shower without even getting clothes to change. If only I could scrub my memories.

So I just stood under the hot water for a billion years on end. It helped calm my nerves down and helped me breath easy. It didn't stop the guilt I had inside though.

How could I do that? How could I be so stupid and impulsive? I mean with Sammy it was different because I was single at that time....Sammy oh my god.

I cheated on my boyfriend. Even if we broke up in a weird way, I still kind of cheated on him with Jack. Sammy would never ever forgive me for this and I knew it. How could I do this?

I ruined things for myself and for Sammy, and possibly for Jack. No way I could just be friends with Jack - there will always be a softspot for me there and even if I really hated to admit it. I still love Jack Gilinsky.

After the hot water started turning cold, I got out and dried slowly just thinking. I went back into my room and grabbed slacks and an oversized shirt.

I didn't know what I was going to do but it didn't include leaving home.

I charged my phone and saw that it was only 10:30 a.m now. It felt like afternoon already, maybe because of the hangover so I slumped onto my bed.

As I was dozing off, my phone rang making me grumpy from lack of sleep. I answered immediately but wish I had checked the caller ID first because this was just even worse.

"Kendall! Baby I miss you so so much, and need you! I realized that I can't live without you babe!" Sammy's deep voice filled the speaker phone.

My heart sank at how sweet he sounded and how badly I stabbed him in the back because we had a stupid argument.

"I need my babygirl back." Sammys voice broke. "Who else am I gonna cuddle with eating junk food and watching terrible black and white films." He said cheerfully.

"I...I..." I stuttered, feeling the guilt choke me.

"Baby I know you hate me right now." He sighed. "But I love you so much Kendall. I could never love someone more than you."

"Sammy, I am a really terrible person." I said tearing up.

"Oh baby no you aren't." Sammy said. "I'm the awful one, I hurt you and I know you would never do that to me."

That hit me. I burst into tears with Sammy trying to calm down and asking what's wrong but I couldn't bring myself to tell him that I slept with Jack.

"Kendall - " he started.

"Sorry Sammy." I exhaled. "But I can't do this right now."

"Are you breaking up with me?" Sammy asked, his voice full of worry.

"Y-yes." I cried. "Goodbye, Sammy."

"Kendall wait I love - " Sammy's voice yelled but I ended the call quickly.

My heart broke into tiny pieces as I buried my face in the pillow and cried until I fell asleep.

Check out my new J.J fanfic called Torn in Two :) I think I'll be making a sequel to Arranged Marriage because everyone is posting comments on how annoyed they are with me. I don't want that so I'll work something out :)

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