Chapter 23

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-Kendall POV-

The next morning was the best morning ever. Kind of.

"Morning beautiful." Sammy stroked my hair as my eyelids opened.

"Morning." I smiled and rested my head against his chest.

"Slept well?" He asked leaning in for a kiss despite morning breath mixed with last nights champagne.

I nodded. "Thanks to you."

"Oh yeah." He smirked goofily. "By the way can I just say...last night was great, I mean feeling you with no protection was beyond amazing."

"Yeah it was - wait Sammy! No protection oh no no no!" I yelled and scrambled out of bed so fast I got tangled in the sheets.

"Shit!" He breathed. We were so busy caught up in lust we didn't even realize the consequences.

I stumbled free, not caring that I was naked now, and rummaged through my purse for a morning pill. It was something I kept with me now that I'm with Sammy, in case the condom broke. (Idk if you've heard of those but I have lol hope you get it)

I grabbed the bottle of water on Sammy's table and chugged it down with the pill. I shakily closed the bottle as Sammy came behind me and drapped his shirt over me.

"Are you okay? Kendall I am so sorry I shouldn't have been so stupid!" I rubbed her shoulders carefully.

"It was my fault." She shook her head. "I told you to because I was so caught up in my feelings. Oh god I'm so sorry Sammy."

"It's not your fault baby, you took the morning pill and there's not much we can do but wait and see." He turned me around and wrapped his arms around me.

"I don't wanna be pregnant." I mumbled.

"Well you aren't okay? There's a possibility you won't be so calm down." He kissed my forehead.

"You're right." I sighed. "We'll just have to wait and see."

"I'll get you something of Emily's to wear for breakfast." He let go. "Mom wants us all down in a few minutes."

I nodded as he dashed out of the door. I sat on the bed and ran my hand through my messy bedhead. I don't know what came over me last night, it was so impulsive and stupid.

And now I could cause some real shit for Sammy and I. Well if I turn out to be pregnant which I'd be able to tell in like a month. I screwed up big time.

A few minutes later, Sammy handed me pajama shorts that fit me loosely, his sisters shirt was too tight so I wore his dress shirt from last night. Like that didn't scream we had sex.

Sammy hooked our hands together as we walked down to the dining room for breakfast with his family. I knew it wouldn't be pleasant at all.

When we entered, it was his mother, father and best friend Nate. They were setting the table. Along with a few of his family, at least they liked me.

"Morning!" I smiled. Sammy just nodded at them.

"Morning - oh god." His mom looked at us up and down. I felt so embarrassed that I wanted to run upstairs. Sammy clenched his jaw in frustration and this could end badly.

"Stop acting so shocked mom! You know very well that I'm sleeping with her so just stop being dramatic! I'm kinda shaken up too so just - " he yelled.

I nudged Sammy hard before he could go on and say something more harsh. While everyone gaped at us, his mother looked like she might cry.

"Sorry." He mumbled and took a seat. I sighed and sat down next to him.

"Sammy you need to chill okay. She's still you're mom." I whispered to him. He only rolled his eyes and dug into the breakfast with a scowl on his face. I ate miserably next to him wishing I could go home.


After our goodbyes, Sammy and I drove back to his apartment. I have never been so happy to be back home and far away from his mother.

As we unlocked the door, Sammy still didn't look at me or even say a word since we left his parents house. And we both knew why he was quiet. The big am I prego was an elephant in the room.

"Are you gonna talk to me or just pretend like I'm not here?" I asked finally.

"Not now Kendall, I'm just having a bad morning." He groaned.

"Youre having a bad morning? What about me? We had unprotected sex last night and we're 80% sure I could be pregnant!" I yelled in his face.

"I know!" He yelled.

"You think you're the only having a crappy day Sammy? I'm still here! And I really really need you to be there for me." My voice broke at the end.

Sammy face softened.

"Baby oh my god." He whispered and pulled me into his arms. "We're gonna deal with this as soon as we know if you're pregnant or not okay?"

I held onto him and sobbed.

"It's gonna be alright, okay." He soothed me down. "I love you so much babe."

"I love you too." I held him tighter.

Just then a slight beep sounded in his room making me jump.

"What was that?" I asked looking around to see where the beep came from.

"Just a noise babe. It happens in this old apartment alot. You're just a little nervous now." He kissed my forehead.

"Uh yeah." I nodded. "You're probably right."

But I couldn't shake a bad feeling away that something was gonna happen.
Hey guys! So if you're wondering about my Kian fanfic Pretending. I deleted it because Wattpad went crazy and deleted a few chapters and published ones that I didn't even finish. I'm really sorry if you guys liked that, I'm rewriting but it's really frustrating so it'll take a while.

Some good news though! I wrote like 7 chapters for a Cameron fanfic and I really love that idea so maybe I'll post it soon AND I'm doing a Johnson fanfic which will be really sad (it includes Gilinsky too) so that's still coming up.

sorry about Pretending :( hope you guys aren't mad

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