Chapter 5

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-Kendall POV-

This couldn't be right.

His eyes was scannimg the room waiting for a reaction from the class and as I looked up his eyes landed on me. Recognition spread along our expressions and I felt my throat run dry as sand, his face went white as snow.

Mr Mysterious is Sammy Wilkinson. My one night stand buddy.

"Kendall." He mouthed slowly only enough for me to recognize.

We held gazes. I couldn't believe my eyes now and I tried to blink but something kept me fixated on him. I don't know how long we stared at each other in disbelief but someone in the class coughed and I looked down immediately.

"Uh..any-anyways." He continued. "That's our topic for this week."

I kept my eyes on my notebook. I felt Tas eye me sideways - she noticed what passed between our new teacher and me. She knew that we had some connection before.

All I saw when I looked into those brown eyes was his silhouette over me. The way his hands roamed my body and held me close to him. The way he kissed me like he needed to feel love, that he needed me to show him what love is. I bit my lip thinking of how he felt in bed.

Stop, Kendall. This is just a silly dream. A nightmare. I'm gonna wake up and we'll go to school and fine Mrs Gilbert here. Every thing will be back to normal.

"By the way, I'm Mr Wilkinson." He added and wrote his surname on the board. "And I'm you're new English teacher."

I closed my eyes. He said the words I didn't want to here, confirming that my worse nightmare had come true.

-Sammy POV-

I scanned the room looking at all the faces that'd I'd be spending a large amout of time with. I just introduced a topic for us to work on, they all seemed buzzed at this which already gave me some spunk.

I had assigned to this job for the love of teaching and English. I immediately got it after applying and since I'm in close age with these kids, it shouldn't be hard to reach out to them. I'm turning twenty-two this year and these seniors are around seventeen or eighteen. Its only a 3-4 year different which made this a whole lot easier.

But I noticed a familiar face. She looked like someone I know, I could only see her black hair which reminded me of something. I couldn't place it. But as my eyes landed on her, she looked up.

And suddenly, the world stopped.

"Kendall." I breathed out feeling her dark eyes burn into mine. It was her, the one night stander. Right in front of me, in my new English class.

We stared at each other for what seemed like a century. A kid coughed loudly, making Kendall look down and focus on her note book like there was a Beyonce concert on it.

"Uh..any-anyways." I cleared my throat and tore my eyes away from her beautiful heart shaped face. I turned to the board to write my surname - I was waiting for the end if the lesson to introduce myself as a way of changing stuff up.

"By the way, I'm Mr Wilkinson." I said and wrote my surname on the board. "And I'm you're new English teacher."

Everyone seemed pleased. They all smiled and started mumbled to each other. A few girls batted their eyelashes at me making me chuckle. I guess they think I'm good looking.

I caught Kendall's eyes again. That night came back in flashes, how her beautiful body wrapped around mine. Her soft curves felt so good under my hands. I gulped when I pictured her on top of me.

The bell rang, everyone packed up their books.

"Remember your essay is due for this Friday." I shouted over the noise. "Make it interesting guys!"

They all hurried off and so did Kendall, she kept her eyes on the ground. I just wanted her attention. I wanted to talk to her about the other night. But what I wanted most was to hold her close so she couldn't run off.

As I waited for the next class, something tugged the back of mind. I frowned as I recalled that Kendall told me she's 19 and just finished school. But she's only a senior now. She lied.

I couldn't be angry because I lied about being twenty. But still. Her lie seemed even worse because she's in school and this could be illegal.

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