Chapter 42

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-Kendall POV-

Bile rose in my throat after those words sunk into my mind slowly and painfully. Like sharp knives

"Oh wow! I'm so happy for you two!" My mom jumped up and hugged the two idiots. Ric joined in, beaming.

I felt frozen and numb - I couldn't comprehend what was happening now. Somebody please tell me I'm only dreaming and I'll wake up tomorrow with all this behind me and Sammy would be there - with me.

"Kendall?" My mom looked at me with large eyes, signaling me to be polite.

Suddenly I didn't feel apart of this family anymore. Nobody could see how deeply this hurt me even when I pretend to ignore it.

Sammy looked at me for the first time since announcing his desire to marry my sister. Stepsister.

I held his gaze - I hoped that the anger and hate was evident in my eyes. His brown ones held pain and regret, those eyes that once loved me.

"Kendall." My mom said again more loudly. "Are you gonna congratulate them?"

I scoffed rudely. "To hell with this bullshit."

Everyone gasped in shock as I ran off to my room just as the tears fell heavily and non- stop. They rolled down my cheeks as I shut the door with a loud bang.

How could Sammy even think about doing that? When he knew how much it hurt me? When he slept with me last night?

Was I just a notch in his belt? I thought I'd meant something, clearly I'd been wrong.

I heard a knock on my door and half hoped it was Sammy, coming here to confess his mistake and suggest I run away with him.

It was just my mom.

"Baby you wanna talk about this and why you're upset?" She asked softly.

"No." I said wiping my eyes. I mean I couldn't tell her I'm in love with Sammy who's my teacher and also a twenty three year old.

"I know it's hard." My mom say down next to me on the floor. "I get it."

"What exactly do you get mom?" I asked, seeing what was about to come.

"It's okay to be envious of your sister sometimes." My mom smiled gently.

What the actual fug?

"Stepsister." I corrected. "And I'm not even close to being jealous of Olivia."

"You're always stubborn Ken, but I know it's difficult not having a boyfriend at this age, not exploring the dating field." She continued. "I want you to know your time will come eventually."

I stared at my mother in disbelief.

"One day you'll be loved and be as lucky as Olivia." My mom nodded and patted my shoulder. "But for now you should support her."

I laughed bitterly, it's unbelievable how much people couldn't see just how upset I was. How could they not catch on about Sammy, a normal girl would have been happy for their stepsister.

"Okay?" My mom hugged me. "Be down in a minute for dinner."

I didn't respond. At this point I wanted nothing - nothing to do with Olivia or Sammy. Let alone sit and watch them talk about their supposed 'love at first sight'."

So I rang Jack up.

"Why are you crying?" Jack asked when I told him to get me.

"I'm not. Please pick me up?" I asked him.

"I'm there." He agreed.

Within seconds I slid on Nike kicks and snuck out the front door without anyone seeing me since they were in the den.

Jack pulled up just before our drive way with his lights off and cut the engine. I jumped in.

"You were right." I said. "I should have stayed at your place."

"Is everything okay?" Jack asked with worry in his eyes.

"Just family drama." I shrugged.

"Hey look you don't have to tell me but I'm here for you." Jack leaned forward and pecked my lips. "If you need to talk."

I smiled. "You're the first person who actually cares about what i feel."

"I always will." Jack kissed me for the second time.

I chuckled. "You're feeling bloody affectionate aren't you?"

Jack smiled. "I'm just...I just can't believe you're mine."

I smiled, what else could I have said knowing I basically slept with another guy and didn't feel that deep of a connection with Jack.

"There's a carnival in town." Jack started his car and zoomed off. "Its not too far, take your mind off things?"

I nodded. "I'm cool with whatever."

-Jack POV-

I knew Kendall was lying. She was crying and it was not a family issue that caused that.

It was Sammy and Olivia.

Madison's plan was in full effect now as actually working smoothly which I didn't think would.

The plan was to get Sammy involved with Olivia - he didn't know she was Kendalls stepsister so it was perfect. That way Sammy would move on - hopefully - and so would Kendall after being hurt like she hurt me.

It was a smart move. The down part was guilt was starting to settle in and maybe a little bit of jealousy on my part.

Kendall was beat up about it, she had dark circles under her eyes from crying and lack of sleep. All because of Madison and partly me.

I was thinking maybe I should come clean about this? Maybe I should tell Kendall the truth so she could stop beating herself up.

Because now she had her arms around my waist, holding me with a smile on her face, thinking I was a hero. When all I'm doing is causing every problem around her right now.

"Thanks for everything Jack." She stood on her tiptoes to kiss me. "I wouldn't be happy now if it weren't for you."

"I'm trying." I smiled and kissed her slowly.

More guilt passed over me, I was In way too deep now and even if I came clean - who knows what Madison would do.

That night after taking Kendall home I went by to see Madison and update her on the news.

She was thrilled to know Kendall was hurting but I wasn't. After all I broke Madison's one rule - I'm in love with Kendall.

Maybe I want to protect her now.

Sorry for the shitty update, I haven't updated in years due to exams and working on AM2. The next chapters will be sooooo much better!!

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