Chapter 3

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"Where are you going?" Sammy said. I turned slowly and faced him, his hand ran through his messy bed hair. Damn. He looked hot.

"Look last night." I said slipping my jacket on. "It was a mistake Sammy and I just have to go."

"No wait!" He said. "Let me take you for breakfast least let me take you home so I know you're safe."

I blinked. Is he really willing to be sweet when we both know it was a one stand that took place.

"No I have to go. I'm sorry." I shook my head and turned the door knob.

"Can I at least have you number?" Was all I heard when I walked out of his apartment and down to the lobby. I basically ran out and I'm sure it looked like the 'run of shame'.

I called Tas - my best friend - and asked her to fetch me. She was there in no time and looked at me with wide eyes as I hopped into her car.

"Don't ask." I sighed and tied my wild hair back.

She held back a laugh. "Bruh! Did you do the nasty? Because you look like -"

"Really? Oh my god! What do I tell my parents?" I groaned and buried my face in my hands.

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