Chapter 10

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-Kendall POV-

About a month of school has passed by already. And about a month of being with my teacher on the sly.

Okay I know what you're thinking. Who has a relationship with their teacher? Its just gross? I'm such a slut? Its illegal? Probably half of those things are true.

But nobody understands how he makes me feel. And how happy I am. Because I've never been this happy and I think he feels the same. Mr Wilkinson - Sammy - is way different from any guy. Maybe because he's a few years older than guys I usually date but he's just mature.

Besides, it's not like he's a 30 year old teacher. Now that would be kinda gross. I have tried to break it off a few times but I can't because...I like him. I'm not dropping major L-bombd now but its getting there.

"Take my hoodie." Sammy said as I was about to leave his apartment. "Its getting chilly outside."

"Thanks." I smiled and slid the hoodie over my head. Sammy lifted my hair from under the hoodie.

"Is Tas picking you up?" He asked as I slid my phone in ny pocket.

"Uh no I'm just gonna walk." I shrugged.

"You told me she's fetching you Kendall. I'm driving you home." He said firmly.

"No - "

"You think I'm gonna let you walk home all alone at night?! You're insane." He raised his voice and grabbed his keys.

"Oh my god Sammy - "

"Let's go." He ignored me and grabbing my hand. I gave up protesting and followed him out to the parking lot. We got into his Mercedes and drove to my house, Sammy was silent the whole time.

It was dark outside, so I'm sure nobody would guess that I've been out with Sammy if they can't see him. When we got to my house, he turned the engine off and stared straight ahead.

"Are you angry?" I asked him slowly and started fiddling with my seatbelt buckle.

He kept quiet and stared ahead.

"Fine." I mumbled, unbuckled myself and opened the car door. As I was about to step out, Sammy grabbed my arm and pulled me back to face him. He pressed his lips down to mine.

"I'm sorry, I'm just upset." He whispered when he pulled away. His brow creased slightly. "I just want you to be safe all the time, if you were to get hurt - "

"Forget it, I'm safe okay." I kissed him softly again.

"Then I'm happy. Now get going, we have school tomorrow." He kissed my forehead affectionately.

"Night." I smiled and slipped out of the car quickly.

"Night baby." He waved as I jogged up to the front door. Sammy drove off as I went inside and shut the door, I wish he would have stayed.


The next morning I woke up really late, the cause of not hearing my alarm go off. I showered quickly but didn't have time to pick out a cutesy outfit so I pulled on white jeans and Sammy's grey hoodie from last night. I slid on my black converse and tied my hair in a messy bun.

Not having time for breakfast, I grabbed an apple and dashed to my car. I sped of to school sure that first period was already commencing.

When I got to school, I ran to my locker and grabbed my books which to my luck was English. I walked to Mr Wilkinson's class and stepped in slowly, feeling everyone turn to stare at me.

"I'm only late people." I rolled my eyes. "I didn't murder someone."

Mr Wilkinson had a smirk on his face, it made me feel nervous and happy at the same time. "Sorry I'm late." I mumbled to him.

"You're excused Ms Parker, don't let it happen again or I'll have to punish you." He said putting emphasis on the word punish.

I knew what he meant by punish and turned slightly red. Trust Sammy to make a dirty inside joke at a time like this. I nodded and took a seat between Madison and Tas. I felt Jack's eyes on me again but made a point to not look at him.

"Back to what i was saying, I loved all of your essays. But one in particular was Ms Parkers, she really captured the essence of what the topic was about." Mr Wilkinson leaned against his desk.

I tried not to smile so widely, but I was hoping he would like it. My essay so greatly described our relationship, save for the whole sneaking around part.

"First impressions are very important indeed. I think that the minute you meet someone, you'll know if you're gonna be with that person forever." He said looking directly at me. His eyes gazing straight into mine.

After a few minutes he looked away.

"Let's move on to the story." He said as we continued class.

When the bell rang an hour later, we all packed our stuff away and stood up to leave for the next class. Madison spoke up.

"Do you and Mr Wilkinson shop at the same store?" She raised a brow. "I could swear that he wore a hoodie like that yesterday."

My blood ran cold.

IMPORTANT! So my girl just started her Cameron Dallas fanfic! Please check it out because it's gonna be a KILLER story!


-the story is called Love Me Or Leave Me and I don't wanna give too much away but its about a obvi Can and a girl who fall for each other not realizing how hard keeping a r.ship can be esp now that Cam has his own movie called Expelled.

So check it out!

Mr. Wilkinson ❉ s.wDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora