Chapter 6

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Just a filler chapter with different POVS.

-Kendall POV-

I sat in a booth at Starbucks with Cam that Thursday afternoon. He had asked me to help him with Spanish homework so I figured it would be good to hang out top since we haven't in a while.

"You've been offish the whole day." Cam said taking a break from the studies.

I sighed. "Just school is tough, we have so much work and i haven't even started with the essay for tomorrow."

"You're good with writing so it's no big deal Kenny." He smiled and patted my hand. "No need to stress."

I smiled at him. "Thanks Cam. But let's get back to the Espãnol!"

"Woah! " he held his hands up. "I thought we're doing Spanish!"

I burst out laughing. "Cameron...Espãnol is Spanish!" I said after wiping a tear away.

He looked confused. "Uhm okay...Espãnol is Spanish for what?"

I buried my hands in my face. "We're gonna be here for a while."

-Sammy POV-

The week went by quickly. It was also successful for me, being an English teacher was definitely my calling.

I was bummed though. Kendall only had English on Monday, Wednesday and then on Friday. I only saw her once before that was on the Monday. She skipped my lesson in Wednesday because she doesn't want to see me. Sweet.

I needed to talk to her. Because I couldn't get her off my mind at all. I zone out during class and stare at her, I can't sleep at night because I know that I need her. My body and heart is screaming for her.

That Thursday I went over to Starbucks after work. A lot of students from school were there studying or just handing out so I greeted a few.

I ordered and stood at the counter, looking around. Something caught my eye making me stop glancing around. Kendall was with some boy - Dallas or something. They were laughing and joking.

Did she have a boyfriend and sleep with me while with him? That made me angry and I felt like punching this boys lights out for making her laugh. I should be doing that.

I took my drink and walked out before Kendall could notice me. I was angry at the fact that she's with someone and didn't bother telling me. That's why she hurried out of the my apartment.

It all made sense now. I didn't know how or when but I really need to talk to her.

-Tas POV-

"Okay what is it that guys so eagerly want to tell me?" I asked Marlena and Kimberly as we all sat at Marlena's house.

The two of them texted me to come over so we could talk.

"And where's Kendall?" I asked because she wasn't there and neither was Madison. We never have group meetings or whatnot without the five of us.

So I sensed something bad coming along.

"That's actually what we want to talk about Tas." Marlena said quietly.

"Yeah but you can't tell Kendall until we're sure. Or anyone for that matter." Kimberly said seriously. Kim could be really playful at time but when she's serious...she's serious.

This was weird.

I nodded. "Okay what is it?"

Kimberly and Marlena exchanged looks and finally I got an answer. "We think Madison and Jack are dating." Marlena and Kimberly said simultaneously.

My mouth fell open. "WHAT?!"

Kim nodded. "Yeah. We saw them making out in the gym locker room the other day and Madison said something about relationship."

"What? What did Jack say?" I asked covering my mouth. I was not expecting this to be the news.

"Well you know Gilinsky was too busy eating her face he just mumbled 'sure'." Kim rolled her eyes.

"Then Madison said they shouldn't tell Kendall about this relationship." Marlena added.

I shook my head. I knew Kendall is okay with Jack and her being broken up, she's totally fine. But if Kendall finds out that Madison moved in on her ex, she's going to be betrayed to say the least.

"Are you guys sure?" I asked them.

They both nodded sadly.

"Well we can't tell Kendall." I said finally making a decision. "We aren't sure if thehre official and we can't hurt her for no reason."

"You're right." Marlena sighed. "What if they just hook up? That means nothing because Kendall already know this."

"So I guess we just forget we saw that and wait until something happens or they come out and say it?" Kimberly asked.

I nodded. "Why would we want to remind her if its just a hook up." I shrugged.

So we agreed to keep quiet but keep our eyes peeled for any news. Madison is our friend of course but things change, I don't think any of us can trust her. She's different now.

-Kendall POV-

After Starbucks and Spanish with Cameron, he drove me home.

"See you tomorrow." I waved. "Thanks for the ride."

"See you beautiful" He winked and drove off at top speed. I blushed but shook my head. Cam is a huge flirt and calls every girl that so no big deal right?

I went inside to get started on my English essay for Sammy - I mean Mr Wilkinson's - class. It was hella weird for me to think of him as my teacher after we fucked.

It was already 7 p.m and I was beat. So I had to stay u fairly late to finish this dang essay on First Impressions. But I understood why he had given us this topic as I began writing my theory.

Because he relates to it. Everyone can relate for that matter, but this topic refers to him and I. Was our first impression love as first sight? No. Did we have to sleep together to realize we have a connection. Totally.

I think it's okay to sleep with someone to see how they make you feel. Of course it would be sexual attractive but you'll know of its more, you'll know if its more than just a 'fuck'. By the way the person handles you, kisses you and looks at you in that brief 20 minutes if pleasure. You'll feel it if that spark is there.

Once that spark is there, the 20 minutes feel like forever to you, they feel like you're life has been made. If you don't have a spark with that person, the 20 minutes are just 20 stupid meaningless minutes.

That's exactly what I put in my essay. Save for the swear words.

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