Chapter 39

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Selena Gomez - Same Old Love
-Kendall POV-

After seeing Sammy at his sisters birthday party, things between us have not gotten the least bit better.

For example, during class Sammy and I would make eye contact and then he would forget what he was saying, trailing off in front of the class. And I couldn't keep focus on my work - knowing he was watching my every move. It was frustrating.

I've been detached from my friends which was unfair to them but I couldn't help it anymore. My heart was hurting and it affected me in many ways.

And Jack...oh Jack...he kept dropping hints of how he would be a good boyfriend and we should totally date. But I knew how I felt and I didn't feel like being with him again.

"What's wrong?" Jack asked, we sat in his room that evening. He was sitting on the carpet with me between his legs, my back against his chest.

Jack's fingers fumbling with a lock of my hair, making me feel sleepy. His other hand making circles along my thigh.

"Long day." I shrugged closing my eyes.

"You're so distant lately. You're just in my reach and everytime I try and get to you, you pull away." Jack sighed.

"I'm sorry for that but I'm just...I dont know why I'm like this." I shrugged, half truthful.

"Maybe we should do something, take your mind off things." Jack offered and kissed my shoulder.

"I can't." I sat up straight and faced him. "I have to get back home for dinner."

"Have dinner here, my moms making your favorite." Jack held my hands. It was so sweet the way he tried to make me feel better but I felt smothered.

"My mom said it's something important." I answered. "Apparently I have to be there."

Jack sighed. "Okay, I'll drive you home now."

Together we left his house and got into his car. Jack drove me home and stopped in the driveway, my parents were already home.

"You'll be okay?" Jack leaned over and kissed my cheek. "I'm worried."

I chuckled. "Jack I'm fine seriously! Don't worry."

Before I could jump out of the car, Jack moved his seat backwards and pulled me onto his lap. Jack crashed his lips to mine, the feeling left me breathless. I was kind of surprised but kissed him back with equal force.

"Mmhh." Jack groaned into the kiss when I started moving my hips on his lap. I felt him tense under me and my heart raced faster as his hands slid under my shirt and touched my bare back.

My fingers tugged his soft hair gently as the kiss deepened, our tongues fighting for dominance and Jack won - obviously. His hands continued roaming my body making me shiver in pleasure.

I pulled away. Our breathing was heavy, foreheads against each other.

"I should go." I exhaled, Jack tightened his arms around me in a massive hug.

"I'll call you tonight." He kissed my neck and I jumped out of the car, pulling my skirt down quickly.

I waved to Jack as he drove off and then went inside to find Ric setting our dinning room table - which we hardly eat at as a whole family.

"Woah! This is some dinner alright. Am I in for another surprise?" I laughed and walked into the kitchen where my mom was busy cooking. She never cooks. We always order take out or something.

"This is for Olivia's big night." My mom said while putting a roast chicken in the oven hurriedly.

I groaned out of habit. "Then why am I here? I could have stayed at the Gilinsky's for dinner."

"Kendall, this is exciting for Olivia and you're her sister - "

"Step- " I interrupted. "-sister."

My mom put her hands on her hips and gave me a stern look.

"Look, I know you two aren't best of friends but shes going to be in your life forever Ken and I would appreciate if you tried to be nicer."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine. What's happening with Olivia anyway? Oh my god tell me she's moving out and we're throwing her a last dinner!"

My mom shook her head. "No Kendall she isn't. Well you'll see once she gets here."

I snorted. "Whatever. I'll go change."

I jogged upstairs and changed into a ripped jean shorts with a cute tank top. I slipped on my flip flops and tied my hair in a messy bun.

Why should I dress up for a dinner at my own house?

When I went downstairs my mom was acting crazy and nervous - which annoyed me. So I helped Ric set up the table instead of help in the kitchen.

At around 7:16 the doorbell rang three times. "Oh Kendall get that! He must be here. Olivia is upstairs."

He? It dawned on me that Olivia was bringing a guy home tonight which my mom and Ric thought was a big deal but it was actually stupid.

I went to the front door and yanked it open widely - a fake smile plastered on my face because mom forced me. But my smile faltered when I saw who stood in front of me.

"Sammy?" My voice spoke shakily as my smile faded.

Sammy stood like a statue and stared at me in shock and surprise. His face was full of emotion and pain that it hurt me inside and all our memories coming back.

"Oh Samuel! Lovely to finally meet you!" I heard my mom say behind me. "Isn't this your English teacher honey?"

My mind was racing at the speed of light...Sammy was the guy Olivia is bringing home? My Sammy?

I looked down, unable to look at Sammys astonished eyes and walked away to the kitchen. I could barely walk straight from the tears building in my eyes.

Sammy was Olivia's boyfriend now? I was half hoping he was here for some teacher business but...

Did he know she is my step sister? I mean we have different surnames but still. I felt a tear spill down my cheek, I quickly wiped it away. I exhaled deeply, my heart feeling like fragile glass that would break any minute.

"Honey!" Ric came into the kitchen. "We are all waiting for you."

I forced a smile and walked out to the dinner room with Ric. Olivia was down now and sat next to Sammy while I sat directly across him. They were holding hands on the table that made my throat close up.

I felt Sammy glance at me a few times but I kept my eyes on my plate. Olivia spoke non stop about their first meet, first date and blah blah. I tried to block out the sounds but I was suffocated by the words.

"And it was love at first sight." Olivia looked at Sammy. "Right babe?"

"Oh yeah!" Sammy added happily.

I snorted loudly and accidentally. Everyone shot me glares. I just wanted an excuse to get out of there.

"Uh I'll get the gravy." I said and stood up quickly.

"I'll help her." Sammy offered and walked behind me to the kitchen where I tried to slam the door in his face.

"Kendall I had no idea!" He said once we were alone.

"Really?" I faced him. "How could you still sit there and pretend to be in love with her?"

"Because its easy than pretending I'm in love with you." Sammy said painfully. "But why are you getting worked up? You're with that Gilinsky kid now?"

My face dropped. "Don't bring that up!"

Sammy looked apologetic and then he frowned - his expression hardened.

"I'm sorry Kendall, I'm with your sister. Deal with that." He looked at me blankly.

And he walked out. Tears streamed down my face like waterfalls, heavy and thick as I stared at the door. I felt like my whole life was falling apart slowly.

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