Chapter 9

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-Kendall POV-

"Sammy what - " I asked Sammy

He had a angry look on his face. I hadn't expected him to be this jealous, especially over something as stupid as men's cologne on my clothing.

"Answer me Kendal! Where you with that silly Jack guy who keeps checking you out in my class." He interrupted.

"No I was not with Jack - "

"Then who? Because you fucking reek of men's cologne!" He asked stifly making my mouth hang open in disbelief. That actually pissed me off.

"Who is he - " he started again, his voice raised but I was angry too.

"Shut the fuck up!" I yelled. "Firstly, I was not out with a guy. I was at a party with my friends before I came here, there were guys yes but I didn't fuck anyone!"

Realization crept along Sammy's face as he knew he's wrong. His shoulders relaxed now.

"I wouldn't do that." I said feeling a tiny bit hurt because I thought he knew me as a genuine girl. "I'm leaving, if this is how you're gonna - "

Before I could finish my sentence, Sammy pinned me against the apartment door. He pressed his lips to mine and kissed me roughly. I was caught off guard but was thankful for the feeling of him on me.

"I just want you to me." He said between the kiss. "Fuck everyone else."

"Fuck everyone else." I repeated and kissed him hard.

Sammy pushed his body against mine and deepened the kiss, it was so passionate I couldn't handle it. I felt his hands rip my flannel off and throw it to the side, I found that so hot. He pulled my black tank off and wasted no time in yanking down my jeans.

"Shit..." He grinned and eyes my body with hungry eyes. "You packing it babe."

I blushed. "Stop."

He leaned and kissed me again before pulling away so I could take off his sweater too. I gazed at his body and ran my hand along his solid abs, he smirked and bit his lip as my hand traveled down to his jeans, unbuckling it. I slid his jeans off, slipped my hand in his boxer and worked some magic.

"Fuck Kendall." Sammy exhaled and leaned again me weakly. I continued and kept eye contact with him the whole time making him want more. He groaned, his eyes closing from the pleasure I was giving him.

"Babe please don't stop." He moaned, I felt his legs shaking now. I quickly pulled my hand out before he could reach his high, he groaned in frustration.

"Sorry." I smirked and batted my eyelashes.

Sammy laughed huskily. "Oh baby you're so gonna pay for that."

I pushed him away and walked toward his bed, making sure he was watching me strut slowly. "Oh yeah? What could you possibly do?" I asked leaning against his bed post.

He smirked now. "You really shouldn't tempt me like this. I will injure you babe."

I rolled my eyes at him and climbed onto his bed, on my knees. Sammy only walked closer not joining me, he knew I was trying to tease him.

"You're all talk honey." I smirked and found my bra clip to unhook it. "And talk is cheap if you can't back it up." I added letting my bra fall off, watching Sammy's eyes widen.

Game over.

"Fuck this." He said and raced to the bed, pushing me down onto the bed. He was hovering over me, the glint of danger in his eyes meant he was going to do more than just one thing.

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