Chapter 20

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-Sammy POV-

After a few days of anxious waiting, it was finally Friday and the day Kendall meets my family.

Kendall and I kept smiling at each other during the last lesson of the day. She bit her lip several times knowing it turned me on really badly.

When the bell rang, Kendall dashed out with her friends to my disappointment because I wanted to hold her. We haven't spoken since the car sex and I missed her so much.

I knew I'd see this evening and spend the whole night with her so I felt better at that thought. After packing my shit up, I jogged to my car and drove home to get ready for tonight.

Kendall told me her dress was light blue so I had bought a tie to match her color. My suit was all black.

I didn't feel amped for the family event because my mom had her doubts about Kendall and I. I didn't want Kendall to feel shitty around my rich snobby family. I wanted them to love her as much as I do.

This whole family event happens every year and usually around Christmas but this year my mom had it moved up. It was just a fancy ball and family reunion.

I killed time by watching football and when 5 p.m struck I got showered and shaved my beard. I was nervous to see how Kendall would look because I knew she'd kill it tonight. The problem was I wasn't sure if I could control myself around her now.

After tonight, I wanted to talk to her about something important. I hope she would be into my suggestion.

I changed into my suit and slipped my shoes on. They were so uncomfortable that I kicked them off and laced up my black and white Vans. Hopefully my mom wouldn't flip out. I added my tie and was happy with my look.

It was 6:30 and almost time for the event to start. I went down to my car and drove to Tas' - Kendall's friend - house to pick her up for the event. Kendall had to tell her friends about me and I didn't mind but it made me nervous, the more people who knew the easier it was to spill.

I parked and walked up to the door and rang the bell. Tas opened and greeted me with a hug.

"Come in Mr Wilkinson." She let me into the den.

"Call me Sammy." I chuckled at how awkward she looked. "We arent in class now so its fine."

"Right." She laughed. "Oh here comes Kendall."

I didn't hear anything Tas said when Kendall walked down the stairs. She looked more beautiful than I had expected. I couldn't take my eyes off her.

"Holy shit." I breathed when she stood in front of me and did a twirl. She looked like an angel in her blue dress, it was thigh length showing off her amazing legs. She wore white heels that made her look smoking.

"Damn Kendall." I pulled her closer. "You look so amazing baby."

"Thanks." She blushed and looked down, biting her lip again.

"Don't bite that lip or I'll fuck you right now I swear." I said into her ear. She giggled and pecked my cheek.

"Let's go!" She hugged Tas goodbye and walked down the driveway with me right behind her.


"Come on Jack! He left long time ago!" I yelled and pulled Jack's arm up the steps in the apartment building.

"Madison I don't know...Kendall would be pretty hurt." He stopped. "Besides! How do we even know if she's with him. He doesn't seem like her type."

"I saw them kiss!" I explained. "I swear they are sleeping together."

"I don't believe this." He shook his head in disbelief. "Kendall wouldn't sleep with a teacher."

"How would you know?" I asked him with folded arms.

"Because I know my girl - I mean Kendall."

My heart actually hurt when he said that, I didn't think he still cares after she hurt so much. That made me angry and want to do this more.

"Then let's go through with this and I'll show you the truth." I said. "I care about you Jack, I want you to realize how bad she is for you."

After a while Jack nodded and pulled me into a kiss.

"Let's do it babe." He smiled.

I matched the smile and led him to Mr Wilkinson's apartment. I had searched the school records and found his address easily. I was surprised he lived somewhere here, I expected him to be filthy rich.

I let Jack pick the lock and then walked into Mr Wilks apartment. The first thing I spotted was Kendall's clothing on the table next to his bed.

"Tell me this isn't evidence enough?" I held up her shirt.

Jack looked hurt but frowned. "That could be anyone's."

"Fine." I rolled my eyes. "Help me set up the cameras."

The plan was to get them on video, either kissing, talking or even better - getting to the next base. I was sure they would do something because Sammy told her to sleep over tonight.

Tas, Marlena and Kimberly may try and keep this a secret but I found out. I always find out.

We set up hidden cameras that I'm sure none of them would find. Then on Monday Jack and I would skip school and come here again to get them. I had the cameras set to stop on Saturday afternoon. Just to be sure.

"I hope you're right Madison." Jack said as we walked back to the car.

"You'll see." I shot back. "Wonder what I should do with the video once I get it though."

There were so many choices.

Update! If you're a Madison fan don't take this story line personal babes, it's just fiction. Thanks for 20k reads! You guys rock and I love you all!

Toodles for now!

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