Chapter 32

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Little Mix - Hair

-Kendall POV-

It was around 1 a.m while I waited for my ride on Friday night. Sammy and I had a huge fight and I wasn't sure if I should have taken that as a break up. I was confused and just wanted assurance.

To make matters worse, it started drizzling and I had no form of shelter so I didn't even bother moving. And in that single moment I couldn't help but think that if people were rain, Sammy was a hurricane and I was a simple drizzle.

"Fuck you universe!" I yelled and cried at the same time.

Then a familiar Jeep pulled up at the curb where I sat. I was so relieved for the first time tonight.

"Jesus woman that was really loud." The familiar voice said and got out of the car despite the drizzle.

"Jack! I'm so glad you showed." I said in relief. He smiled and took of his blue hoodie and then slid it over me quickly. Before I could say thanks, he opened the door and let me jump in.

I stared blankly when he got in and started the engine. Nobody would just happily drive at 1 am to find someone in the rain and hand over an awesome hoodie.

"Thank you so much, I appreciate this so much Jack." I sighed and touched his hand on the gear.

"Its okay." He shrugged. "By the way, what the hell where you doing there at this hour?"

"I uhm...long story." I sighed and felt a headache coming on. "Just thanks. A lot."

Jack just nodded and drove on to my house. I couldn't tell if he was still upset about earlier this night when I basically friend-zoned him. He just drove on with a blank face.

"Are you okay?" Jack asked after a lifetime of silence. "Do you need - "

"I'm fine." I answered quickly to avoid any interrogation. "I've had a rough night and feel like I might pass out. And I'm freezing."

"Oh shit sorry." Jack turned the AC to full blast and reached in the backseat for a small blanket. He threw it over my legs.

"Oh god thanks." I curled up on the seat and savored the heat.

I didn't know I had wandered this far from my home because the drive was still going even after fifteen minutes. Jack must have raced to get to me. Sweet.

And it silent. But I was thankful.

After about like more of driving and driving and driving we finally stopped in front of my house and Jack cut the engine and lights so as to not awaken my parents.

"Will you be okay?" Jack looked worried. "I could come inside if you want."

"You've done more than enough for me Jack." I laughed. "Thanks for that."

He chuckled. "Anytime."

And then it was awkward. So I leaned in for a friendly hug to minus the awkwardness but it just increased.

"Thanks again." I smiled and jumped out of the jeep.

"Hey Kendall?" Jack said making me turn around.


"Are you sure you'll be okay?" He asked with a concerned look on his face.

I smiled. "I will be. Thank you again for the ride."

With that I snuck inside, using the spare house key I always kept with me and shut the door behind me. I peaked through the window and saw Jack drive off only now, he waited for me to go inside.

I sighed heavily. What am I doing asking Jack out of all people for favors? I get that he was my last resort but my head was spinning from all this drama.

I went to the kitchen, got a few snacks and a bottle of Mountain Dew then retreated to my bedroom, locking the door. The second my head hit the pillow - I was out cold.

-Sammy POV-

I sat in my apartment couch staring at the white old wall, drinking a beer and just - thinking. In the company of my bestfriend Nate.

Nothing felt right. Nothing.

Especially Kendall being upset and not returning my calls. After she stormed out of my apartment and disappeared, I called Nate and asked him to help me find Kendall.

We didn't. Maybe she went home and I must have missed her but I was so scared that maybe she was hurt and it would be all my fault.

"Don't beat yourself up about it man." Nate said after like an hour of silence.

"Nate what if something happened to Kendall because of me? I should have went after her immediately!" I raised my voice and felt anger engulf me.

"I know - "

"I shouldn't have even started a fight because that's what caused this and its gonna make me go insane!" I yelled .

"Bro you were happy with here. Why did you say all those things?" Nate asked.

I sighed. "I don't know. I love her more than anything man, I swear to god she means so much to me but, I don't want Kendall to settle for less."

"Really?" Nate scoffed. "You're a fucking idiot you know that? She loves you too and you just let her go!"

"We didn't break up officially." I shrugged.

"She said she hates you."

"But still."

Nate stood up. "Look man I'm heading home now, but you gotta decide on what you want. I suggest you make it up to her before someone else gets her."

And with that Nate left my apartment, leaving me alone to sit in my grief. He was right. I messed up big time with a girl who was so special to me.

I decided to give Kendall some space after this whole fight. Maybe she just needed some time to sort her feelings out and in all honestly, so do I.

-Jack POV-

After dropping Kendall off at home, I just couldn't fall asleep. So I went out to my balcony and lit a blunt, hoping it would calm my mind.

She was so perfect, it actually hurt to look at her. I wanted every bit of Kendall and I wouldn't give up on her even if Mr Wilk was the competition. I would get her.

Of course I knew what she was doing tonight, she was with Mr Wilkinson. Why she ended up on a curb in the middle of nowhere? I don't know. Maybe they had a fight? Because she seemed really upset and her eyes were puffy.

Tomorrow was our house party, I don't know if Kendall would even come anymore but I hope she did. Maybe I could show her I'm the guy she should be with.

I went back into my room and my eyes fell on the memory stick with the video of Mr Wilkinson and Kendall. I felt guilty having it and not telling Kendall but...I might need it some day and I couldn't get rid of it.

It just may come in handy.

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