Chapter 31

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Taylor Swift - Wildest Dreams

I love her 1989 album!

Double updateeee and this chapter is super super long! Enjoy :D



"Are you okay honey?" Ric asked as we drove to the Gilinskys home. It was like a few blocks away so the drive was short.

"Just fine." I nodded.

"It'll be fun." My mom clapped her hands excitedly. "Just smile."

I smiled widely. "See? I'm smiling. Now can everyone just stop making this a big deal?"

"Okay okay." My mom held her hands up in a surrender but I noticed the look she gave my stepdad. Olivia wouldn't be joining us today as she was meeting up with Madison and a few other friends.

We arrived at their house way too quickly for my liking. After having a hard time on picking my outfit, I settled on a red high waited skirt with a white tank top and white sandals. Very classy.

I styled my hair simply, not wanting to overdue it. So I had simple but flowy beach waves that reached my waist and very light makeup to tie it together.

I stood behind my parents as they knocked on the front door. For some stupid reason my stomach was turning nervously and I wanted to beg my parents to take me home.

"Ric! Lizzy!" David Gilinsky smiled happily when he opened the front door. "Oh and there's my girl Kendall!"

And then Katherine popped up behind him looking like the happiest person ever and threw her arms around us. I was not really expecting this kind of welcome.

We stepped inside and followed them to the den where Molly and Laura where, thank god wasn't here at that moment. Molly squealed, stood up quickly and hugged me immediately.

Laura joined the group hug shortly after and we just stood there hugging each other tightly. And my heart melted - I forgot how close we all were and I missed it.

"We miss you!" Laura said as we finally broke apart.

"I miss you guys too." I nodded.

"Jacks outside." Molly said. She and Laura greeted my parents while I made my way outside - alone.

Jack was fixing the barbeque for dinner, his shirt covered in black coal and his hair was messy. I found it strangely attractive. I walked closer until I was right beside him.

He turned around and his eyes widened as he gave me a once over. "Woah Kendall, you look...beautiful."

I felt awkward.

"Uhm thanks Jack, you look..." I ended up laughing. So did he.

"Dirty? I know." He laughed. "I'm gonna go up and change real quick."

"You do that." I nodded. "Love the hair though."

He flicked it dramatically. "Why thank you! I decided to try something new."

After than he hurried off into the house and bumped into my parents as they were coming out to the backyard. He greeted them nervously and i couldn't help but laugh because of his nervousness.


When Jack came back down, we all sat out by the pool while David and Ric started the barbeque. Katherine and my mom were inside making salad while the four of us went down memory lane.

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