Chapter 18

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-Kendall POV-

I haven't seen the crew lately, it bummed me out but it was my fault because I've been spending time with Sammy before we all take a week break together. I knew I would miss him.

"Why the fuck is Olivia sitting with Madison?" Taylor asked the next day at lunch. "Isn't she like forty?"

I chuckled. "She recently got a job here so I guess she's a teacher."

"No way." Taylor shook his head. "No offense but she irritates the shit out of me."

"You're not alone with that." I nodded. "I don't know why she hates me."

"She's not the only one who hates you right now." Taylor mumbled.

"Who?" I looked at him. "Taylor did I do something to you - "

"Not me you egg." He smiled then turned serious. "I mean Tas, Marlena and Kimberly your best friends remember?"

My heart sank. "Oh."

"I haven't told them anything but they keep asking me what's up with you and if you're avoiding them." He informed me.

"That's ridiculous!" I rolled my eyes. "They know I'd never do that."

"Apparently they don't, Kendall come on you know them since forever and they've always been there for you! You owe them the truth." Taylor said.

"Taylor! I can't just tell them about my romantic relationship with our English teacher!" I whisper-yelled.

"You told can tell your bestfriends too." He gave me a stern look. "You need to do this before you lose them completely, I don't think you want to "

"I don't know - " I folded my arms and looked away. Lately, I sat with Taylor at a different table and I don't know why. It just seems awkward, like Madison had taken my place.

"Think about it, it's you're choice after all Ken." He squeezed my hand. "If you do tell them, make sure Madison isn't there."

"Why? She's one of my best friends too Taylor." I shrugged.

"I don't trust her." He said. "Just listen to me okay? Taylor knows best."

"Of course you do." I giggled.


After thinking about it the whole day, I finally came up with what I would do. I don't wanna lose my girls so I have to do something soon.

So I texted them all in a group chat.

Me: we need 2 talk asap!

Tas: oh you're alive...

Marlena: where have you been?

Kimberly: 2 cool for us?

Me: seriously guys, I need to tell you guys something...I don't know how you'll take it.

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