Chapter 35

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-Sammy POV-

I hadn't slept well for two nights in a row and it showed. I had bags under my eyes, I hadn't shaven my beard and I looked like some homeless 30 year old.

"You okay?" My sister, Emily said that Sunday afternoon. She came by to check up on me after the big event and argument with my mother.

"Yeah whatever." I groaned. I was driving us to Starbucks to get something to drinks and possible to cheer me up.

"You don't seem fine - "

"Kendall broke up with me." I said bluntly and looked straight ahead. I didn't feel like talking about it but I needed someone to talk to and Emily was there for me.

"What?" Emily sat upright. "When? Why? How?"

"Earlier today." I said. "By phone call. She said she was a terrible person, started crying and then just...."

"Bro." She put her hand on my shoulder.

"I don't know where I went wrong Em, I tried so hard to be a good boyfriend." I said feeling my throat close. "I love her so much Em, I need her more than anything."

Emily sighed. "I wish I could give you advice but she didn't even give you a solid reason as to why she's ending it."

"I know. Maybe she just felt overwhelmed with hiding it all." I found a parking. "I guess she couldn't hold it in any longer."

"Maybe." Emily shrugged. "But...but I saw the way she looks at you Sam, like you're the only guy she sees."

I closed my eyes and rested it on the wheel with a heavy heart.

"I hate this." I mumbled. "Emily what am I gonna do?"

"Just talk to her at school. You could ask her to stay behind and she can't say no because I're her teacher."

"Yeah." I looked up. "You're right! Oh and one more thing...don't talk about this alright? Nobody else knows."

"Totally man." She nodded. We got out and went into Starbucks, it was fairly busy so we waited in line and then gave our orders in.

Emily found an empty table for us to sit at while we waited. I saw a few students from school who greeted us or came over to say hi to Emily.

My mind was far away. On Kendall. Like it always was.

"Sammy." Emily nudged me and nodded towards the counter. I looked up and met her beautiful eyes. Kendall

Kendall seemed surprised to see me there and stared blankly. Her eyes were puffy and red from crying - it made me feel guilty. She was with Taylor Caniff who held two coffee cups.

I stood up immediately and walked over to them.

"Taylor." Kendall whispered and stepped back, looking down.

"Sup Mr Wilkinson." Taylor smiled and stepped in front of Kendall protectively. I didn't push past him but stopped and smiled at them both.

"Taylor." I nodded. "Can I have a word with Kendall?"

He looked at her then back to me. "You know I don't think that would be a good idea. Kendall isn't feeling up for a chat."

"Listen - " I pushed his chest roughly.

"No you listen." Taylor swatted my hand away. "We aren't in school now. You're not my teacher here so back the fuck up."

"I just wanna talk to her." I gritted my teeth so I wouldn't curse him out.

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