Chapter 21

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-Kendall POV-

"I'm nervous Sammy." I said as we stepped out of his Mercedes. The party was held at his parents house - its freaking huger than I had expected. I'm talking mansion huge.

It made my house look like a bathroom.

"Come on babe." He gripped my hand firmly and pulled me towards the double doors. I noticed a lot of cars already, there were butlers at the front door.

"Sammy I'm serious." I stopped. "I'm not ready."

Sammy stopped trying to pull me and turned to face me. I was really nervous about not fitting in and I thought he would realize that. He cupped my cheeks in his hand.

"Kendall I really want you to do this for me okay? I want my family to love you the way I do." He brushed his thumb against my cheek. "But look you say the words and we can go back to my apartment."

My heart fell at how he would flake on this huge family reunion, just for my silly little insecurities. I was nervous but I had to do this for him.

"Let's go in." I smiled.

Sammy matched my smile and leaned down to kiss me softly. His lips lingered on mine, kissing me gently. When he pulled away, we walked hand in hand towards the doors.

The butlers greeted us and opened the door revealing the huge party. My mouth hung open for a few minutes because I was not expecting this. It was like a ballroom out of a fairytale. The color scheme was white and gold, it was so up class it made me feel out of place.

Sammy's entire family and friends turned to us. We must be the last ones to arrive because everything went quiet. I felt my heart racing. Sammy squeezed my hand and led the way down the steps.

Everyone had their eyes on us, I recognized his mom standing next to a man, his dad, with a glass of champagne in her hand. I smiled at her but she glared right on, this was an awful idea.

"Hey everyone!" Sammy raised his voice. "I am so sorry for being late, don't let the party stop."

There were murmurs.

"This is Kendall, I've been wanting to introduce her to the family for awhile. She's my girlfriend."

I managed a smile and small wave, I could feel my palms get sweaty.

"I hope you make her feel welcome!" He nodded and pulled me towards his mom and dad. The music started again and the guests went back to what they were doing.

"Dad!" Sammy said when we reached his parents. "This is Kendall!"

"Nice to meet you Mr Wilkinson." I held out my hand but he pulled me into a massive hug instead. I was shocked at how friendly he was compared to Mrs Wilkinson.

"I hope my boy's looking after you!" He said when pulling away.

I nodded. "He always does." I felt Sammy squeeze my waist with affection.

"Babe there's someone else I really want you to meet." He said and led us away from his parents.

"Who is it?" I asked. Just as I said that a guy about Sammy's age popped up in front of us with a goofy smile along with dimples.

"My best friend, Nate." He chuckled as the guy pulled Sammy into a bro hug. Well you have a really sexy best friend Samuel.

"Nate this is Kendall." Sammy motioned to me.

"You're the girl Sammy won't shut up about huh?" Nate smirked at me and looked at me up and down. "Wow you're - "

"Don't even say it." Sammy held his hand up and pulled me closer. "She's all mine."

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