Chapter 14

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-Sammy POV-

"Sammy stop - stop seriously!" Kendall giggled as I kissed her neck softly, knowing this was her weak spot.

"I want you though." I mumbled into her neck making her shiver and try to wriggle out of my grip.

"You're tickling me! Sam-oooh " Kendall laughed as I bit down on her sensitive skin, making her moan at the end.

Just as we were about to kiss, my cellphone rang.

"Fuuuck." I groaned and peeled myself away from Kendall to sit up and answer the phone.

"Sammy Wilkinson." I said formally, Kendall giggled next to me. She made me feel all nervous, which was not something I felt very often.

"Sammy honey!" My moms voice yelled into the receiver. I groaned not wanting Kendall to find out about my family wealth. Every girl has been with me because of that only so I didn't want her to do the same.

"Hey mom." I emphasized mom and looked at Kendall who seemed interested now.

"I wanted to talk to you about something important sweety." She cooed.

"Sure what's up." I said. But before I could listen to what my mom said Kendall slid on top of me, straddling me expertly.

"What?" I mouthed silently. Kendall just looked at me innocently and shrugged like she didn't care what I think. But she just felt so good on top of me.

"Did you hear me Samuel?" My mom said, breaking the sinful thoughts I had about Kendall right now.

"Sorry what mom?" I asked as Kendall rocked her hips against mine very slowly making me tense up everywhere. And I do mean everywhere.

"So your father and I both decided to move our family event up." she repeated herself. Kendall trailed kisses along my collarbone as she rocked herself back and forth.

"Yeah okay?" I said trying to hurry my mother along because Kendall was driving me insane.

"So its our huge family event, family all the way from Italy will be there - "

"Oooh god." I accidentally moaned when Kendall straddled me harder and much faster.

" - honey are you okay?" My mom stopped.

I laughed nervously. "Oh sure mom! Just real excited." I covered it up, Kendall giggled.

"Oh good!" She sounded happy with that answer. "Anyways as I was saying, our family from Italy will be joining us..."

I blanked out a bit when Kendall moaned slightly, feeling myself underneath her. I knew it turned her on majorly because all she had on was my shirt and her nipples were showing through. Major turn on for me too.

With a dangerous look, Kendall rocked against my hips faster and much harder than before. She was sure to hit the right spot each time.

"There's gonna be a huge dance! Some snacks!" My mom said cheerfully.

"A dance?" I frowned but had my eyes focused on Kendalls hips, swaying gently.

"Of course! A sort of masked ball - "

"Ohhh fuu - " I let out another unplanned moan.

"Samuel do you have the flu? You sound like you're coming down with something love." My mom sounded worked up.

"Oh you're cuming down with something Samuel." Kendall whispered seductively in the other ear.

I closed my eyes.

"Look mom! I've got something to do real quick. Call me back later." I said and then ended the call after my mom said bye.

"You're gonna fucking pay for that." I said and ripped her shirt right off.

"I thought it was funny actually!" Kendall giggled and wrapped her body around mine. "The way you held in your emotions like that."

"Yeah well now I'm about to get them out on you baby girl." I carried her over to my bed for more space.

We did it the entire night. Over and over again until Kendall's legs were done.


Two days passed with Kendall not coming over after school because of midterms she was taking. And she hardly stays after class because her friends missed her.
It bummed me out because I missed her so much. Just having someone to talk to was what I missed most.

But my mom swung around later than evening. I groaned internally as I let her into my apartment. I saw a confrontation coming.

"I don't know why you don't just come to live with us! This place is small and just..ill fit for you son." My mom said looking around distastefully.

"Really? I actually like it." I shrugged and led her inside. Because my parents were rich that made me rich too. It wasn't something I boasted about because girls would be with me for that reason only.

Unfortunately my moms eyes landed on some thing I didn't want her to see. A condom wrapper along with scattered on the floor at the edge of my bed.

Remind me to change this open-plan living.

"What in the gods name are those?" She asked looking horrid. I pulled her over to the kitchen area instead.

"Mom I'm a grown man, I think Im allowed to do those stuff." I shrugged.

I hated this awkward conversation. I never really used condoms because Kendall started taking birth control pills, so this was the first time I had it lying around.

"Is this about the girl Emily and Nate have been mentioning?" She raised a brow.

I rolled my eyes, of course my sister and best friend would tell my mother about Kendall. I didn't mind because I wasn't ashamed but Kendall is different to what my mom expects in girls for me.

"Yeah her name is Kendall." I said shortly wanting to change the convo. "Anyways mom what did you want."

"Since the family event is in a weeks time why not invite your girlfriend! Let her get to know the family." She seemed excited but I knew the look on her face. She wanted to judge her.

"No mom she's different. I don't think she likes all the fancy stuff - " I started.

"Nonsense!" She waved off. "We need to meet her Sammy, so that's all I needed to say."

But something in her facial expression told me she isn't really interested in meeting my girlfriend.

"Mom no - " just as I was about to reply to her Kendall walked right into my apartment like she normally does. Except this time she looked terrified at the sight of my mom.

My mom looked at her up and down with a disapproving look.

This isn't ending well.

Mr. Wilkinson ❉ s.wTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon