Chapter 41

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-Sammy POV-

The next morning I woke next to Kendall. It almost felt like we were back to normal, like the past month was a dream.

But then I realised what a stupid move I made especially after what Olivia spoke about last night. I was caught in the moment and slept with Kendall because I was a selfish jerk.

I peeled her arm off me and got out of the bed. Kendall groaned and reached out for my hand.

"Stay." She said in a dreamy state of mind.

"I wish I could." I whispered and kissed her forehead softly.

"Hmmm love you Samuel." She mumbled and curled up into a ball with the sheets outlining her curves. Every single bit of me wanted to climb in again and hold her.

"Oh Kendall." I exhaled deeply and slid on my boxers. "I love you so much but you deserve better than this."

She was already asleep when I walked out of the room feeling dread sink in slowly.

How could I do that to Kendall? She didn't even know the truth, how things escalated so fast with Olivia. I came over to see her, instead Kendall provoked me and I had to show I felt.

I shook my head and drove home. I realised that I broke Jacks deal and the fear that he might find out and expose the video of Kendall and I crept in. Stupid. Stupid.

I got home and took a long shower thinking of Kendall. Last night was beyond perfect. It was magical and just wow. I wish things could be simple because I'm so In love with her that it hurts me.

When I stepped out, my phone rang in my jean pocket. I grabbed it and hit answer.


"Hey Sammy!" Olivia said at the end of the line. I groaned internally not wanting to deal with everything this morning.

"What's going on?" I asked her.

"I got home now." She notified me at once. "I think we should tell my family tonight...don't you?"

Holy shitballs.

I sighed. "Olivia don't you think it's too soon?"

Too soon because I slept with your sister last night.

"Not at all! The sooner we tell them the better!" Olivia said excitedly.

I almost cried. "Okay sure, let's do it."

I said goodbye and ended the call to change. I messed up big time for myself and poor Kendall.

But maybe this would be good? We shouldn't be together. It was risky as heck. Especially knowing what Jack would do if he knew I had contact with Kendall.

I agreed to meet Olivia at her house later, at around five in the afternoon. To drop news onto her parents. Kendall would be there too and she would hate me. She would hate me so much.

I was dreading this.

-Kendall POV-

"I'm kind getting sick of family gatherings." I groaned as I made my way down to the den that night.

I was trying to mask the glow that was evident on my face - that's to Sammy of course.

"We're trying to be support to Olivia." My mom gave me a sharp look.

I shrugged. "Yeah okay how long is this support group gonna take?"

"Kendall." She sighed and went to open the doorbell that rang twice already.

A few minutes later my mom walked back in with Sammy behind her. I frowned, why was Sammy here? Maybe he was gonna announce the breakup with Olivia.

Last night clearly changed a lot of things between them. And I felt like it was our time now - forget about everyone else.

Sammy looked nervous and kept his eyes anywhere but on me as he conversed with mom and Ric. I understood that - he didn't wanna make it too obvious.

"Hey Sammy!" Olivia looked particularly chirpy this evening and I felt a pang of guilt. I slept with Sammy and now he was going to end it. It sucked.

"What's all this secrecy about?" Ric asked.

"We wanted everyone to be here when we tell you his the latest news between us." Sammy said, his expression was neutral so I really couldn't tell how he felt.

Olivia smiled. "I hope you guys can accept this."

Here comes the part where Sammy and Olivia announce that they broke up because Sammy is already in love and they hope we can accept that they are no longer a couple.

But that never came. Nothing close to that was ever said.

This was how it went:

"Out with it!" My mom said curiously.

"Yeah let's here this." I nodded at Sammy who avoided my gaze. It was becoming annoying.

"Sammy and I have decided that we're gonna get married!" Olivia burst out.

I almost laughed. "What? No that's a joke!?"

I sounded outraged and that was only the truth. Was I being punked right now? Would I meet Ashton Kutcher now?

"We're getting married." Sammy repeated but didn't look at me, it was like I was invisible. "Olivia and I."

Everything in me died slowly.

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