Chapter 24

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-Kendall POV-

"Hey what's wrong?" Tas asked as we both walked into school that morning. "You've been quiet the whole ride here and didn't even freak out when Bad Blood came onto the radio."

I shrugged. "Just real tired after the whole weekend at Sammy's. He's mother hates me so much."

"Oh relax Kendall!" Tas chuckled. "I'm sure she'll grow on you! You're just stressing out for nothing."

I shook my head. "I'm serious, and besides Sammy and know..." I said slowly.

"WHAT?" Tas yelled. "You and Sammy did it?"

"Holy shit you guys did it?" Marlena popped up behind us and made me jump two feet in the air.

"I'm impressed." Kimberly nodded and appeared next to Marlena. And she fist bumped Marlena.

"Guys shhh!" I giggled. "We need a code name for him!"

"Wilky?" Tas shrugged.

"Wilky it is." Marlena giggled.

We walked in the school together just as the bell rang for homeroom period. I wondered how I became so lucky to have friends like them.


"Madison isn't here today." Tas noted as we exited our homeroom. "Neither is Jack."

"Great for them." I added hotly.

"Woah." Tas murmured.

I sighed. "I'm sorry Tas...I didn't mean to come off harsh but I don't know why it annoys me to know that they're together."

"Hey I get it." Tas shrugged. "I know that it takes a while to get over someone, and I know Jacks been playing with your feelings lately."

"He came to my house the other night and told me all the bullshit about him still loving me." I told her as we walked to first period which was Bio.

"Really?" Tas frowned. "Is he like for real because he's been with Madison everyday when you're in Wilkys class."

"I don't know, probably not."

"Okay Kendall." Tas stopped walking. "I think you shouldn't shut Jack out just so soon, maybe he has changed! You never know."

"He's with Mad - "

"Who the fuck cares? If you love him them tell him...maybe that's all he needs to hear to leave her." Tas ranted.

"Tas..." I sighed. "The thing is, I love Sammy more than I love Jack. That's why I could never let him know how I feel."

She nodded. "I get it. But don't let it eat you up inside."

"It already has." I said as we continued walking to Biology meeting Matt and Nash along the way.


"I finally get to prove to you that Kendall has a thing with Mr Wilkinson." Madison said to me as we drove to his apartment that Monday morning.

"I think you're insane." I shook my head.

"I think you're just afraid that this could be true." Madison rolled her eyes.

"Madison...I honestly don't care about Kendall and what she does, who she does shit with either!" I yelled.

"Calm down Jack." Madison said touching my arm. I wanted to push her away from me and turn back around.

"Let's just do this and get it over with." I mumbled. "I would have rather slept in today."

Madison ignored me as I sped up and reached the apartment building. It was empty except for the receptionist who was half asleep and didnt even notice us walking right in.

"I wonder if we got anything." Madison said as we walked up to Mr Wilkinson's apartment.

"Me too." I said truthfully. In all honestly I wanted to see what Madison was so hard headed on and if its true. But I was also scared that it could be true...

I picked the lock just as I had the previous time we were here and we were inside in no time. The apartment was much cleaner and the woman clothing were gone. Maybe they were Kendalls.

"I'll get the camera chips." Madison announced and started to pry them from the edge of the walls. There were two, from different angles just in case.

I started tapping my foot, wanting to get out of here. It felt so wrong but Madison insisted we do this...okay sure part of me wanted to see for myself. It had been on my mind lately.

"Okays let's look - " Madison stood next to me again.

"Can we like just go home? Because I don't wanna be here and I'd rather see it at home." I cut her off.

"Gee..." Madison mumbled. "Let's get out of here then."

I nodded. Madison put the small camera chips in her handbag and were out of the apartment building. I felt a relief as we drove back home.

But the videos pried at my mind. I knew Madison wouldn't go through all this trouble for no reason. And now I was nervous.

"Hey babe?" I said as I parked the car in her driveway.

"Hmm?" She responded, on her phone.

"What if we find something? Like some real weird shit on this camera." I started. "Then what?"

Madison looked at me and thought for a good minute.

"Whatever you want." She smiled simply and leaned forward. "You could use it for blackmail, send it to everyone at school, the possibilities are endless."

I nodded. "Can we just decide together before we do anything? I don't wanna hurt Kendall - "

"She's hurt you before Jack! Numerous times and yet you still look out for here?"

"I just meant that this whole camera thing is not our business Madison!" I raised my voice at her. "I don't want people to know we took it!"

"Of course I would do that!" Madison looked hurt. "Sometimes I feel like you love her more than me."

Having said that Madison got out of the car and slammed the door shut. She walked up to her house and left me in the car to just stare after her. I sighed and rested my head in the wheel.

After several minutes I went inside to find Madison in her room, loading the chip into her PC.

"You know I love you." I mumbled and hugged her from behind.

"I love you too." She said smiling.

But the I love you didn't reach my heart entirely. I felt like I was lying to her and myself. Because I know who I love.

Its Kendall.

"The videos loaded." Madison smiled in success. "Finally."

"Let's just get this over with." I sighed and sat down next to Madison on her bed. I was not ready to see this at all and when the video opened heart fell.

"You're having a bad morning? What about me? We had unprotected sex last night and we're 80% sure I could be pregnant!" I heard Kendall's voice yelling at Sammys face.

"What?" I exhaled slowly losing my shit.

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