Chapter 44

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Justin Bieber - Been You

-Kendall POV-

It's been a week since Jack came clean about his plan with Madison.

I couldn't confront Sammy because he was home - his parents home to spend time with them before the wedding.

Sammy and Olivia decided a while ago they would get married in a month and now there was only two weeks left.

Sammy wanted it to happen fast - I don't understand why. Now they were staying in our house for the time being. Which just put me into a whole depressing state.

"Sammy's upstairs trying on his tux." My mom said when I walked in that evening at 9 p.m after hanging out with Cameron at the courts.

"Nice." I shrugged.

"Olivia's out getting pizza." She continued. "Tell me you're staying for dinner."

My ears popped up when I heard Olivia wasn't here. Sammy was upstairs alone - where I could talk to him privately.


"Yeah great - I'll be right back." I yelled and sprinted upstairs.

I couldn't lose him just yet, this was my last chance to make him open his eyes. Even if he didn't want me - he can't ruin his life by marrying someone he doesn't love.

"Sammy!" I walked in on him trying on his wedding suit. It made me stop short and gaze at him.

"Kendall?" Sammy looked up at me with surprised.

I tried to peel my eyes off him. But he looked like a dream in his tux with his hair messy and those long lashes made me squirm in delight.

"Jack told me everything." I said breathless and hoped he would hear me out. "About blackmailing you and I understand that you want to keep me to be safe but..."

"Kendall." Sammy sighed.

"No don't sigh! Sammy you don't have to do this." I said trying to keep my voice steady. "You can be with me...there's no video - "

"This isn't about that anymore Kendall." Sammy stopped me. "I just can't hurt you anymore than I have, I love you way too much to do that."

I shook my head. "If you love me then you won't do this!"

I walked up to him and kissed him fiercely. I almost fell because he was taller by far but Sammy held my waist by instinct.

I kissed him wildly, pushing myself into him. Sammy kissed back harder than he ever had - the passion was evident in that.

Then Sammy pulled away and moved away from me so quickly you would swear I was on fire.

"Sorry." I mumbled feeling heat rise in my cheeks.

"I'm marrying Olivia in two weeks Kendall so deal with it...I love you but...but its over now." He didn't turn around. "The faster you see that the better."

My heart fell lower than it could ever fall as I backed out of his room. Sammy turned around only so he could shut the door in my face. The last thing I saw was his tearful eyes.

Was this really happening?

I went to my bedroom and willed myself to stop crying over a guy who doesn't even care. But suddenly my stomach gave a nervous jolt and I ran to the bathroom and threw up the brownies I just ate.

I knocked down a few items as I stood up to rinse mouth. I felt sick to my stomach and knew it was just this whole marriage thing. I started packing the knocked items back when my hand landed on a box of Tampax.

"Still full - wait." I froze suddenly and looked at it. "That can't be right because..."

I ran over the dates in my mind quickly. This box should have been used up. No...I was most definitely late on my period.

Sammy and I slept together a few weeks back - three to be exact but....Jack and I had slept together two weeks ago after Taylor's party.

"Fück! Fück! Fück!" I yelled and slammed my fists on the counter.

No this isn't happening. I mean could I really be that stupid? It's a mistake and I can't be pregnant now.

I called the girls up because I had nobody else. Kimberly answered first and had to calm me down before understanding what I was saying.

"KIM!" I yelled. "Please get here as fast as you can!"

"What happened?" Marlena's voice said suddenly - she must have grabbed the phone from Kimberly.

"Bïtch what the fuck my phone!" Kimberly pulled it back. "We'll be there in a second babe don't worry!"

"Jesus Mar!" She said before ending the call. I could hear Marlena giggling, then the call ended.

I paced the room during the ten minutes it took the three girls to show up and look worried.

I shut the door as they sat on the bed and looked at me intently.

"Start from the start." Tas spoke first.

And so I told them all about Jack and Madison's nasty plan to get back at me for leaving Jack.

"What! That little...." Tas shook her head in disbelief. "....urg!"

Then I told them about my confrontation with Sammy about an hour ago and the words he said to me. They all gasped in surprised and cursed his names to the winds.

"Is that why you're freaking out babe?" Marlena asked. "To be honest I knew Madison would pull a stunt like this."

"No surprise." Kimberly nodded.

But Tas shook her head.

"Something else is wrong...I can see. What else happened?"

That's when tears fell down my face before I could even open my mouth. I was so tired of crying now, it pissed me off.

"I think..." I trailed off.

The girls watched me and leaned forward to hear the news. I was nervous and scared and afraid of what they might say about me. I took a deep breath.

"I think I'm pregnant." I spat it out.

"WHAT?" they shrieked together.

-Sammy POV-

"I just can't even wait to be Mrs Wilkinson."Olivia said to me that night.

I nodded and smiled forcefully. I mean I kind of like her...but I don't love her and I don't think I could ever love her. She isn't Kendall.

"I think I'm gonna get some fresh air." I said and walked out of the room.

Why was I doing this anyway?

I felt way too overwhelmed but this was my life from now and I need to accept it. I couldn't drop Olivia now that Kendall knew.

As I passed the hall bathroom, Kendall was bent over the toilet puking. She sounded half dying.

"Hey hey are you okay?." I rushed to her side and lifted her hair so it wouldn't get messed. She threw up even more.

The pain front early gone, I was just worried about her like always.

"Oh god." She groaned.

I rubbed Kendall's back slowly, making her feel less nauseous in hope that she would stop throwing up. And she did.

Kendall stood up and rinsed her mouth with mouthwash.

"Thanks." She said. "Bad cafeteria food."

"Are - "

"Ken you doing okay? We're gonna go to starbucks -" Tas suddenly appeared at the door. "Oh its you."

Her face turned sour when she saw me next to Kendall. The hate was evident on her face and I deserved it - after all I put Kendall through.

Tas took Kendall by the arm and led her away from me, not missing the chance to bump my shoulder.

I was starting to regret my choices. But it was too late - I have to live with them now and there's no turning back.

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