Chapter 31: An Angel's Reveal

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Izuku took his hands away from his ears. The other Angels were knocked away and most of them were lying on the ground, trying to recover from the blast. "Good boy!" Ochaco cooed, bending down and scratching Geri's ear "you're amazing!" Izuku pouted and crossed his arms, which didn't go unnoticed by Ochaco who chuckled.  

Once the Angels were back on their feet, one of them blew a horn "attack!" The Angels started rushing to Ochaco "Geri! Get Deku somewhere safe!" "What?!" He yelled, grabbing her arms "I can handle this, don't worry." She tried to assure him, but he shook his head "no! I'm not leaving you."

She smiled "I know you wouldn't, but at least get to a safe distance." Before Izuku could reply, an Angel sent a blast of Celestial Force toward them. Ochaco pushed Izuku away and got hit, knocking her back. "Ouch! That hurt!" She yelled, rubbing her arm.

Izuku tried to run to her, but he felt a hand on his shoulder. "That's enough." Izuku forcefully shrugged it off, but the Angel grabbed his wrist instead "let me go Castiel." Izuku demanded, looking back at him. "I'm afraid I can't do that." "Why?" He asked, genuinely curious. "Because you broke your vow with Serafina. you promise you'd kill her if the Demon were to do anything harmful toward the humans. Allowing her to have a blizzard over a village for months does not sound safe. Especially when it's in the middle of the summer."

Izuku's eyes went wide. That's right. The deal we made. "Therefore, you will also be put on trial, where you will face the Heavenly Father and the Court of Angels' judgment." Izuku understood. He knew he promised that he'd kill Ochaco if she did everything bad. But the thought of her laying dead in his arms, especially after he killed her, was too awful. 

"There was a time when I wouldn't have hesitated. A time when I would have killed her. But that time is long gone. So I'm sorry. But I won't allow her to pay for my mistakes." "Then it will be you getting the death penalty."

Izuku was about to say something, but he heard a huge blast like an explosion had just happened. They looked back and saw Ochaco on the nearby cliff, with a bloody face and scratches, and bruises all over her body. The Angels back her up against the cliff and it looked like she had some runes on her arms to prevent her from using her powers. It also looked like one of her wings was broken. Geri was lying on the ground, unconscious. 

Izuku tried to go to her, but he felt a tug on his wrist "you do this and everything goes south."

He didn't care. Izuku pushed out of Castiel's grip and started sprinting toward Ochaco. Some of the Angels heard the footsteps and turned around, only to see him there in a full sprint. As he ran past some of the Angels. One of them was Serafina. He glanced at her and could've sworn he saw her smile. A genuine, 'you can do this' smile. But he paid no mind.

"Ochaco!" He called out. She looked up at him "w-what?" "Jump!" He yelled, she stood up straight with a shocked expression and looked behind her, to the cliff that was overlooking the ocean. "You have to trust me!" She took a second and smiled at him "always."

She jumped.

Some of the Angels murmured and tried to go after them, but Izuku blasted some Celestial force and jumped after her. As they were falling into the ocean, Ochaco looked up at him, both happy and worried. Izuku was a few meters above her and tried reaching out, "grab on!" Ochaco reached up as best as she could. And after speeding up, Izuku managed to grab her and pull her close. 

"Are you crazy!?" She yelled to him, as she looked at the ocean which was coming closer. "Of course." She smiled, but it turned to shock when she looked past him, and saw other Angels diving after them. Ochaco tried reaching out to blast them away, but the runes on her arms made it impossible to use her Demonic Magic.

Izuku knew it was now or never. 

"Tell me, if it were to come to it: Would you sacrifice everything for her?"

"Ochaco I'm so sorry. For everything." "Huh? What are you-" Before she could finish. Izuku turned around and blasted some Celestial Force at the Angels, and when they were about to hit the water, Deku spread his wings and they began to glide over the water.

Ochaco took a minute to look at him. He had a golden halo and beautiful white wings. He flew with her over the water and onto a remote island that was far from shore. He landed first but carried Ochaco into a small forest and kept looking back to make sure they weren't followed.

After a minute, he gently rested her on a bed of leaves and propped her up on a stump, careful of her wing. "This'll sting a bit." He placed his hands over her wounds and a bright green light emerged, and the wounds started healing, even her broken wing. When he finished healing her, he backed up. He figured she'd want space after this happened.

He watched as her eyes went wide with horror. He knew at that moment that she remembered everything from the first day they met. He just sat there with his head low. He knew her heart was broken, but she seemed even more shocked over something he couldn't put his finger on.

Their silence was agonizing. Deku wanted to claw his heart out and throw it far into the sea. The girl he loved knew that he tried to kill her and take Eri, then just wiped the memory and lied about it. Like a coward.

"Tell me." Deku snapped his head up "was the only lie you've ever told me of being a human?" He nodded "everything else is true. I've dabbled in potions and still... Love you. But, I understand if you wanted some space."

There was more silence. "'Deku' is actually my Angelic name, Kota calls me that because he's my little brother. After that pink blast you put out, I was sent to investigate it. I was told to kill it if it were a Demon, but when I saw Eri, and how you struggled to protect her, I... Couldn't. So I lied and stayed in the village. When I didn't come back, Kota came looking for me." He sighed "I... Have also been keeping something else from you." He admitted. "When another Angel came to see me, she said that I could allow you and Eri to live in the village, but if you did anything to put the humans in danger, I'd need to kill you. I just couldn't do it. I could never hurt you, and the thought of taking your life absolutely sickens me." 

Deku looked up at her, she seemed like she understood, but she was still shocked. He figured that this was a lot for her so he just let her be with her thoughts. He genuinely wasn't sure if she still loves him after this.

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