Silly drops of water

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<< Riven >>

The moment I broke the surface of the water and saw her on the edge, wearing my T-shirt, I realized that I had no escape, I was mesmerized by her beauty... 

She slowly became my obsession, what I feel for her it hit harder than it ever did for anyone else, she became a component in my life that I can't live without. I became addicted. I became addicted simply to her presence, to her voice, to her smile... I became obsessed with her...

 My heart beats painfully just looking at her, my body aches from the need to touch her, my breathing is heavy and the lust...lust makes my blood boil with need... I swam towards her. My arms gripped the pontoon on either side of her body. I felt the warmth and tingling of her gaze on my body. Her eyes were devouring my body and it was damn painful to have her so close and at the same time so far... I couldn't resist this torture anymore, I had to have her close. Now.

My hands slowly traveled to her waist and she didn't move away. I slowly lifted her and she placed her hands on my shoulders, slowly lowering herself into the water... I watched as the t-shirt slowly getting wet, when the hem of the t-shirt touched the water, it floated and how much she lowered herself in the water, a larger portion of her thigh was exposed. 

She looks totally divine, I don't understand how a person can look so good, it's like her body was sculpted by the gods...her milky white skin, her amber eyes that I often lose myself in, her luxurious lips and full for which I would give anything to be able to taste them again and see if they are as sweet and addictive as the last time...

When she finally went down into the water, the waves of the water made her body push and hold on to mine for balance. My hand went under her thigh, holding her up and pressed against me. Her chest hovered over mine, her hands were wrapped around the back of my neck, and our lips were so close... Her forehead rested against mine and we both closed our eyes. 

When we opened them, we were both breathing hard and we felt that even the water didn't feel cold anymore, everything seemed to be on fire around us. We both took a breath of air and I slowly submerged both of us in the water without letting her go. When we stood up, I was more mesmerized than before, her body was completely wet now and even in my darkest fantasies I could not have imagined such a sight. Her cheeks were redder from the water, and I was mesmerized by her, her black hair was like an aura around her shoulders and her body was soft against mine. Her perfume mixed with mine and I can say it was maddening...

Every word, every second spent with her, every touch of her makes me more obsessed with her and I'm afraid it's too late. It is too late to stop the inevitable from already happening. My body wants her, every cell in me wants her like it has never wanted anything before...

It's too late to stop me from falling madly in love with her, I've already fallen.

She changed her grip on my body and when I looked at her I heard that evil grin that tells me something is going to happen

-Don't even think about it! I say but it's too late, she let me go and started to sprinkle me with water

-Oh, no, little fairy, you just declared war! I say giggling and splashing water in her direction. Our water war continued until we were both so tired that we just floated on the water without doing anything else.

- That was... she says without finishing the sentence

- Amazing... I say turning my gaze towards her. She had her eyes closed as she let the water embrace her. She dived into the water and I swam in her direction. When she brought her head up to the surface, her raven black hair was on her back and her skin was covered in silly drops of water.

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